  • 學位論文


The improvement on the nutritional status of long-term care facility residents by dietary supplements with high whey protein

指導教授 : 王進崑 張菡馨


研究顯示,長期照護機構的老人,容易有營養不良的狀況發生,其中又以蛋白質-熱量營養不良的盛行率最高,甚至高達了30-60﹪的比例,然而營養不良會增加住院天數、壓瘡、感染、傷口不易癒合、再住院、死亡率、醫療費用的增加等社會負擔。本研究主要探討高乳清蛋白質膳食補充品對於長期照護機構營養不良的老人之營養改善情況。本研究納入30 位受試者,年齡為51~92 歲。實驗介入期為8 週,在給予高乳清蛋白質膳食補充品前、後評估其血液生化值、體位測量、臨床症狀及攝食情況。於介入期每天依受試者個別的營養需求量給予高乳清蛋白質膳食補充品1~2 包(1.5 g/kg of body weight)。介入高乳清蛋白質膳食補充品8 週後,受試者體位包括體重、身體質量指數、腰臀圍比、三頭肌皮脂厚度、中臂圍、中臂肌圍均有顯著性影響(p< 0.01)。在生化檢查方面,使用高乳清蛋白質膳食補充品8 週後,總蛋白、血漿白蛋白、紅血球均有明顯增加(p< 0.01),血紅素、鐵、總鐵結合蛋白亦有增加的情況,而在血漿三酸甘油酯和膽固醇的濃度則有下降的趨勢。除此之外,由飲食記錄的結果得知,受試者的實際熱量均有明顯增加的情形(p<0.01);而三大營養素蛋白質、脂質、碳水化合物的攝取比例,在使用高乳清蛋白質膳食補充品8 週後,蛋白質比例亦有明顯的增加(p<0.01)。故綜合上述的結果顯示,給予高乳清蛋白質膳食補充品,可以改善長期照護機構營養不良的老人之營養狀況。


營養不良 老人 乳清蛋白


Studies show that long-term care elderly often have malnutrition. Protein or calorie deficiency has the highest prevalence, even up to a 20-50%. Malnutrition could increase the pressure sores, infections, wound healing, hospitalization, mortality, health care costs and other social burdens. This study was aimed to investigate the improvement on malnutrition by giving high whey protein dietary supplements to the elderly in long-term care facilities. 30 participants, aged 51 to 92 years old were included in this study. Experimental intervention period was 8 weeks before and after the intervention of high whey protein dietary supplements. Blood biochemistry , anthropometric factors, clinical symptoms and feeding conditions were determined. In the intervention period, each subject was given 1-2 packages of high whey protein dietary supplements according to the daily nutrient requirements. After the intervention of high whey protein dietary supplements, the body weight, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, triceps skinfold thickness, mid arm circumference and arm muscle circumference were significantly by increased. In addition, total protein, albumin, iron, total iron binding capacity in serum were also significantly increased. Serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels were decreased. In conclusion, the intervention of high whey protein dietary supplements can improve the nutritional status of long-term care elderly.


malnutrition elderly whey protein


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