  • 學位論文


Association between dietary pattern and sleep quality among preadolescents

指導教授 : 楊浩然


研究目的:探討青少年前期學童飲食與睡眠品質之相關及性別、年級之調節作用。研究方法:本研究以台中、彰化、南投、雲林等地區共26所公立國小及國中之學童為研究對象,共納入441位小五與國一學童進行研究分析。睡眠品質以匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)),飲食則包含準時吃早、午、晚餐的頻率及飲食中食物類型的偏好等,為了探討準時吃三餐、飲食偏好對睡眠品質的好壞是否有影響,故單變項與多變項分析時將睡眠品質分成好(PSQI≤5)及差(PSQI>5)並以邏輯斯回歸(logistic regression)檢驗其與準時吃三餐與飲食偏好的關係;學童性別、年級與飲食變項、睡眠品質分數交互作用之判定則以回歸分析來檢定並以圖來呈現。研究結果:台灣學童準時吃三餐及飲食偏好與睡眠品質有關,睡眠品質不受年級、性別影響,飲食偏好則會受到年級、性別所影響,年級與準時吃三餐有交互作用對睡眠品質有影響。結論:準時吃三餐、偏好吃蔬菜類及乳製品對睡眠品質有益,因此家長應注意孩童之飲食作息,並且多準備蔬菜類與乳製品等食物,以利孩童擁有良好睡眠品質,學校午餐也應注意蔬菜類及乳製品之提供。


Objectives: To investigate the relationship between diet preference and sleep quality in preadolescents. The moderation of gender and grade in the relationship was estimated as well. Methods: Twenty six public elementary and junior high schools in Taichung Metropolitan, Changhua County, Nantou County, and Yunlin County were randomly selected, with a total of 441 5th and 7th graders recruited in this study. Sleep quality of all participants was measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Diet preference was indexed by frequency of punctual to eat three meals and food preferences. Sleep quality was devided into good (PSQI≤5) and bad (PSQI>5) when examining its relationship with punctual to eat three meals and food preferences in univariate analyses and multivariate analyses. Interactions between gender, grade and diet variables were tested in multiple regression models to explore possible moderating effects of gender and grade. Results: Schoolchildren’s punctual to eat three meals and food preferences are related to sleep quality. Grade and gender do not affect the sleep quality, but grades may interact with punctual to eat three meals to affect sleep quality. Conclusions: Punctual to eat three meals and preferring to eat vegetable and milk products are good for sleep quality. Therefore, parents should pay attention to children’s diet time, and provide more vegetables and milk products, to improve children’s sleep quality. School should also consider providing more vegetable and milk products in children’s lunch.


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