  • 學位論文


The improvement on the nutritional status of diabetic subjects by tube feeding formula containing chromium and indigestible dextrin

指導教授 : 王進崑


研究顯示,長期照護機構管餵住民普遍有營養不良的狀況,主要是本身疾病及攝食量不足等問題影響;其中糖尿病是三大營養素代謝異常的一種症候群,除了跟一般管餵住民有同樣營養不良風險外,更容易因為本身營養代謝問題有更大的營養不良風險,導致身體質量指數、血清白蛋白、血紅素、蛋白質量較低等問題,進而增加感染或併發症的發生,影響生活品質,及增加照顧者的負擔;本研究主要探討含有鉻及抗性糊精的管餵糖尿病配方在安養機構的糖尿病管餵住民的營養改善情況。 本研究納入安養機構中使用管灌餵食的糖尿病受試者,共計35位個案完成本試驗,依個案之體位、活動量及疾病種類,評估計算受試者之每日熱量需求,以含有鉻及抗性糊精的管餵糖尿病配方為完全營養來源,每日提供熱量平均為1547.10±135.12大卡,補充12週,並比較給予營養配方支持前、後營養狀況之改變。結果顯示 ,受試者經過12週含有鉻及抗性糊精的管餵糖尿病配方補充後,熱量攝取量有顯著的提升(p<0.05),而三大營養素:醣類攝取量顯著的下降(p < 0.01),蛋白質、脂肪的攝取量則有顯著的增加( p < 0.01);在體位的部分﹕BMI及體重有顯著的增加( p < 0.01),臀圍、腰圍、三頭肌皮脂厚度顯著的增加( p < 0.01);在生化指標方面:前血清白蛋白、紅血球、白血球、血紅素、總蛋白質含量都顯著增加( p < 0.01),尿酸則顯著下降( p < 0.01),血糖及胰島素濃度有下降趨勢,腎絲球過濾率有提升的趨勢,且肝腎功能無異常狀態。 綜合上述,以含有鉻及抗性糊精的管餵糖尿病配方為完全營養來源,可以有效提升糖尿病住民之營養狀況並改善血糖及血脂。此外,尿酸濃度降低,腎絲球過濾率有提升的趨勢,顯示可能可以趨緩腎病變的危險因子。


Studies show that long-term care residents generally have malnutrition, mainly form the diseases or short of food intake. Diabetes is one of the three major nutrients metabolism syndrome, with a high risk of malnutrition, because of their own nutritional and metabolic problems, this could increase the incidence of infection or complications, affect the quality of life, and increase caregiver burden. This study was focused on improving the nutritional status by using the chromium and indigestible dextrin containing feeding formula in diabetes. In this study, totally 35 subjects were included. A daily average energy of 1547.10 ± 135.12 kcal was provided for continuous 12 weeks. The nutritional status was measured. The results showed that the subjects after 12 weeks of administration, the calorie intake was significantly enhanced (p < 0.05), carbohydrate intake was significantly decreased ( p < 0.01), protein and fat intake was significantly increased (p < 0.01). BMI and body weight were significantly increased (p < 0.01). Hip circumference, waist circumference, triceps sebum were all increased (p < 0.01) significantly. Serum albumin, red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, total protein contents were also greatly increased (p < 0.01) but uric acid was significantly decreased (p < 0.01). Serum glucose, insulin levels and glomerular filtration rate showed improving trend. Liver and kidney functions were in normal status. The use of chromium and indigestible dextrin containing formula, could effectively improve the nutritional status of residents of diabetes, and improve serum glucose and lipids. Moreover, reduced uric acid and raised glomerular filtration rate might be able to slow down the risk of nephropathy.


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