  • 學位論文


Acculturation and Mental Health Among Immigrant Women: The Roles of Marital Status and Marriage Adjustment

指導教授 : 楊浩然


研究目的:本研究主要探討新移民婦女文化適應與心理健康之間的關係、以及婚姻狀態與婚姻適應在文化適應與心理健康之間各自扮演的角色。 研究方法:本研究為橫斷式研究,採問卷調查法,以中部地區(台中市、彰化縣市、南投縣市)之新移民婦女為研究對象,採「滾雪球抽樣」抽選樣本,總共抽選127名樣本。問卷內容分為三大部份,第一部份為基本人口學;第二部份為婚姻適應量表;第三部份為心理健康量表,主要測量憂鬱症狀。所得資料分別以描述性統計、卡方檢定、t檢定、皮爾森相關係數、複迴歸分析及sobel test等統計方法,以SAS9.2版進行分析。 研究結果:(1)新移民婦女的文化適應和心理健康呈現正相關,但在控制干擾因子後,正相關的關係則未達統計顯著。(2)新移民婦女的婚姻狀態會影響心理健康。(3)新移民婦女的婚姻適應是文化適應與心理建康的中介因子。 結論與建議:文化適應是以語言能力及居住時間做為測量指標,新移民婦女可能因為文化適應不佳,使得在台灣居住時間越久,憂鬱程度越高,而婚姻適應在居住時間與憂鬱症狀之間扮演中介角色,若促進新移民婦女的婚姻適應,則能減緩因文化適應造成的憂鬱症狀,最後,根據研究結果提出以下建議,(1)為促進新移民婦女婚姻適應,政府相關單位應加強台灣新移民婦女之配偶及其家人對新移民婦女的國家文化的了解。(2)相關實務人員及臨床工作人員應主動介入關心離婚或喪偶的新移民婦女,了解及幫助其需要。


Objectives: This study examined the roles of marriage status and marital adjustment between acculturation and mental health among immigrant women in Taiwan. Methods: This is a questionnaire survey using cross-sectional study design. Participants were immigrant women living in Taichung City, Changhua County, and Nantou County. A snowball sampling method was used and a total of 127 immigrant women was recruited in this study. All participants filled out a questionnaire consists of demographic characteristics, marital adjustment, and depression symptoms. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t test, Pearson’s correlation, multiple regression models and Sobel test by using SAS 9.2 software. Results: Findings of this study showed that acculturation (measured by literacy and years living in Taiwan) is associated with mental health, but the effect of acculturation diminished after controlling for the confounding factors. However, marital adjustment served as a mediator between acculturation and mental health among immigrant women. Moreover, divorced or widowed women were more likely to have more depressive symptoms as compared to those with normal marriage status. Conclusion:As marriage adjustment plays a mediator role between years living in Taiwan and mental health among immigrant women, improving levels of marriage adjustment is needed to decrease their depressive symptoms. Findings from this study suggest that: (1) The government should make efforts in educating the husbands and their families of immigrant women to more accept and understand the differences of cultures between Taiwan and Asian countries. (2) Social workers, researchers, and clinical practices should pay more attention on divorced and widowed immigrant women and care about their needs in mental health.


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