  • 學位論文


Perceived Paternal and Maternal Acceptance-Rejection Differences and Children’s Behavioral Outcomes

指導教授 : 呂信慧


人際接納──拒絕理論認為,當兒童知覺父母表現拒絕(rejection)的情感 行為,會產生內化及外化行為問題,但較少研究探討兒童知覺父親與母親在情 感行為表達及行為控制上的差異,與其行為問題及能力表現之關聯性。本研究 旨在以學齡兒童為對象,探討父母情感行為差異及行為控制差異,與他們行為 問題表現及能力表現的關係。本研究招募學齡兒童(N=430,boy=228,Meanage =9.30 歲,SD=1.56,Range=6.44-12.95 歲)及其家長。由家長填寫「兒童行為 檢核表(Child Behavior Checklist For Ages 6-18)」蒐集兒童的行為問題及能力 表現,即症候群量尺及能力量尺表現,包含焦慮/憂鬱、退縮/憂鬱及身體抱 怨等內化行為問題、違反規範行為及攻擊行為等外化行為問題、社會問題、思 考問題、注意力問題和整體問題等共十一項行為問題,以及學校、社會和活動 等三項能力;兒童填寫「家長接納與管教問卷:兒童版(Child Parental Acceptance-Rejection/Control Questionnaire,簡稱 Child-PARQ/Control)」蒐集 兒童知覺的父親與母親情感行為及行為控制差異。兒童依父親與母親的情感行 為差異分成「父母拒絕組」(n=52)、「僅父親拒絕組」(n=59)、「僅母親 拒絕組」(n=24)和「父母接納組」(n=295)。首先,分別以十一項行為問 題及三項能力表現為結果變項,以「父母接納組」為參照組,另外三組為預測 變項進行階層迴歸分析;接著,分別以十一項行為問題及三項能力表現為結果 變項,以父母行為控制差異為預測變項進行階層迴歸分析。結果顯示,相較於 「父母接納組」,只有「父母拒絕組」兒童有顯著嚴重的行為問題及較差的能 力表現;兒童知覺父母行為控制差異程度與其行為問題和能力表現無明顯關聯 性。總結來說,學齡兒童知覺父母在情感行為表達上的差異與其行為問題及能 力表現存在顯著關聯性,而學齡兒童知覺父母在行為控制上的差異與其行為問 題及能力表現無顯著關聯性。


Interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory (IPARTheory) predicts that perceived parental rejection leads to internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems in children. Still, few studies have investigated the impact of perceived inter-parental inconsistency in acceptance-rejection or behavioral control on children’s maladjustment. In this study we examined the relationship between children reports of paternal and maternal acceptance–rejection and children’s maladjustment as well as competences. We also explored the contribution to children’s maladjustment and competences of perceived dissimilarity in paternal and maternal control. The participants were 430 school-aged children (228 boys; Meanage =9.3 years; SD= 1.56; range 6.44-12.95 years) and their parents. Behavioral problems and competences were measured using the Child Behavior Checklist for ages 6–18 years (CBCL/6-18). Parents reported whether children had experienced syndromes including anxious/depressed, withdrawn/depressed, somatic complaints, rule-breaking behavior, aggressive behavior, social problems, thought problems and attention problems. Perceived parental acceptance-rejection and control were measured with the Parental Acceptance–Rejection/Control Questionnaire— child version (C-PARQ/Control). Moreover, there were four combinations of paternal and maternal acceptance–rejection as follows, consistent rejection (n=52), inconsistent parenting with paternal rejection (n=59), inconsistent parenting with maternal rejection (n=24) and consistent acceptance (n=295). The results showed that, compared to children who perceived consistent acceptance, children who perceived consistent rejection exhibited more behavioral problems and less competences. Perception of inter-parental inconsistency in control was neither significantly correlated with behavioral problems nor with competences. In sum, inter-parental inconsistency in acceptance-rejection was associated with behavioral problems and competences, and inter-parental inconsistency in control was not associated with behavioral problems or competences for school-aged children.


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