  • 學位論文


Association between school neighborhood, health related behavior and overweight among Taiwanese children:a multilevel analysis

指導教授 : 陸玓玲


背景:超重和肥胖的問題是全球性的,近年來,許多國家的研究關注學校鄰 里的obesogenic environment(致胖環境)與學童過重的關係。 目的:(1) 探討健康相關行為與學童過重之關係;(2)瞭解學校環境與學童過 重之關係;(3)檢視學童學校周圍環境與健康相關行為對學童過重之交互作 用。 材料與方法:本研究為次級資料分析,個人層次研究對象為「103 年度健康 促進學校師生健康行為調查」的小學四年級(年齡9-10 歲)學童,從自我報告 的身高和體重計算身體質量指數(BMI),依據衛生福利部國民健康署制定出的 2-18 歲兒童生長曲線圖表的標準參考值,將肥胖程度分為「過重」與「未過 重」兩類,學校層次的資料收集方式是實地訪查校園周圍500m 的食物商店和 公園,與訓練有素調查人員進行調查並記錄。使用HLM6.06 進行多層次多變 項邏輯斯回歸分析。 結果:(1) 調整個人層面的變項之後,多層次模型的結果表明,每週活動60 分鐘3 天以上相較於0 天得到過重的可能性會降低。(2)校園周圍500m 有便 利商店和早餐店學童得到過重的可能性會增加;校園周圍500m 有速食店,學 童得到過重的可能性會降低。(3) 個人層次的健康相關行為與校園周圍環境 和學過重有交互作用,吃早餐行為和學童過重會因學校附近便利商店、速食 店和早餐店而異;每週活動60 分鐘的行為和學童過重會因學校附近的公園而 異。 結論與建議:小學生的健康相關行為與學校周圍的環境和學童的過重之關係 息息相關,學校單位及公共衛生政策單位應正視此一議題,加強正確選擇飲 食食物商店外並每天關心身體活動,以期達到熱量的攝取與消耗的平衡,進 而維持正常的體重範圍。


Background In recent years, both study and county policy concern with the relationships between obesogenic environment and overweight/obesity. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between the food stores, physical activities places near schools and overweight in primary school students in Taiwan. Method Participants were 1,789 students in 33 elementary schools that was drawn from the survey conducted by the Health Promoting School Accreditation System (HPSAS) in 2014. Outcome was overweight which was based on the body mass index (BMI) which was calculated from self-reported body weight and height by students, and according to standards of overweight in Taiwan to classified two group, namely overweight or not. The environment of food stores, physical activities places near school, approximated 500 meters, was investigated and recorded by trained investigators. Multi-level logistic regressions were performed using HLM 6.06. Result After adjusting for variables of individual level, results of the multilevel models suggested that those students studied in the school neighborhood had more convenience and breakfast stores are more likely to be overweight. But those who studied in the school neighborhood had more exercise places are less overweight. There was significant interaction between individual health related behavior and school neighborhood. Conclusion Comparing with previous studies, we found opposite relationship between food stores near school and students overweight. But the association about physical activities places near school and overweight was similar. The mechanism of food stores near school and students’ overweight need more investigation.


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