  • 學位論文


The Breakfast Survey of the Senior Elementary School Students in Puli

指導教授 : 陳曉鈴


隨著社會變遷,國人的飲食習慣逐漸改變,而早餐是一天中最重要的一餐。國內外調查發現,隨著兒童年紀漸長,吃早餐的比例隨之降低,亦有研究指出,不吃早餐,可能影響兒童的學習注意力。在台灣國小學童營養健康狀況調查2001-2002調查結果指出,八成學童每天吃早餐;董氏基金會問卷調查亦發現,超過50.7 %的學童早餐吃得極不健康或不夠健康。因此,本研究目的為瞭解南投縣埔里鎮公立國小高年級學生早餐攝取情形,並依此作為規劃符合當地學生需求之營養教育計畫的依據。 研究使用之調查工具為自編「埔里地區國小高年級學生早餐飲食現況調查表」,內容包含受試者之基本資料、早餐認知與態度及早餐飲食習慣。研究對象為101學年度就讀埔里鎮公立國小高年級學生,抽取樣本數為546人。研究採無記名方式;問卷資料整理後,利用SPSS 14.0 for windows進行分析,p<0.05表示有統計意義。 本研究結果,共有382位學生資料列入統計,整體平均身高為149.3公分,平均體重為43.4公斤,57.0 %學生體型正常,體型過輕者佔12.4 %,過重者佔14.6 %,肥胖者佔15.9 %。國小學童飲食營養知識勉強及格,得分率最低者為「健康體態」,其次為「六大類食物與功能」;五年級學生的早餐飲食態度平均得分率顯著高於六年級學生(p<0.01);七成學生有天天吃早餐的習慣,但五年級吃早餐的情形顯然比六年級學生好(p<0.01)。本研究發現學生的營養知識與早餐態度,會影響早餐攝取的情形。國小學生早餐飲食的行為,亦受到個人背景因素的影響,尤其零用錢影響甚巨;隨著年級增加,零用錢亦隨之增加(p<0.01);而零用錢增多時,學生的營養知識(p<0.01)及早餐飲食之正向態度(p<0.05)反而降低。因此,學校和家庭營養教育是必要的,透過宣導規律地攝取早餐及選擇適當的食物,養成良好的飲食習慣。


國小 學生 早餐 零用錢


Objective: Breakfast has been considered the most important meal of the day. Previous studies have shown that as children grew older, the proportion of eating breakfast decreased. The purpose of this study was to describe breakfast consumption frequency and food item in the senior elementary school students in Puli. Materials and Methods: The anonymous self-report questionnaire was used, and the questions in the questionnaire included personal information, nutrition knowledge, nutrition attitudes and breakfast eating behaviors. The data collected were analyzed by using SPSS for Windows and expressed as mean±SE. Differences were considered significant if p<0.05. Results:Data from a total of 382 students were analyzed and 14.6 % were overweight and 15.9 % were obese. In total, more than 71 % reported eating breakfast everyday. Five point two percent of the fifth-grade students and ten point two percent of the sixth-grade students skipped breakfast at least three times per week. The breakfast consumption frequency of the fifth-grade students was significantly better than the sixth-grade students. The results also showed that students' nutrition knowledge and attitudes could affect their breakfast consumption. As the students' age and their pocket money increased, however, their nutrition knowledge and positive attitudes toward the breakfast diet reduced. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, school and family nutrition education should be used to encourage all the students to eat breakfast regularly, and improve students' nutrition knowledge and attitudes to develop good eating habits.


elementary school students breakfast pocket money


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