  • 學位論文


Using resilience to investigate the adults who had single family in childhood.

指導教授 : 陳心怡


本研究主要探討多面向的復原力運作歷程,為此本研究期望將復原力區分為三個主要層次探討,分別為「個人」、「家庭」與「社會生態」三個部分,並說明復原力與生態系統間的交互作用過程,以及探討新興的復原力保護因子為何。 本研究以童年時期歷經過單親事件之20歲以上成人作為研究對象,訪談方式為個別訪談法,主要分析方式為回溯性主題分析。研究發現個人層次的復原力中,關鍵是在於對於逆境的詮釋能力,除了個人本身的個人特質影響之外,年齡也會影響到自我復原力的展現,當年齡越大,個人的思考更加成熟時,能夠幫助重新詮釋對於逆境的感受;家庭層次中,以家庭凝聚力與互動模式為主,當家庭凝聚力高時,便能夠展現家庭復原力;社會生態層次中,發現了社會位置是會影響到復原力的重要因素,位置影響到個人的資源獲取,但個人處於特定位置時,其所連結到的社會支持也有所不同。本研究也發現科技資源能夠作為個人的保護因子,個人藉由科技資源中的「手機」、「電話」、「網際網路」等媒介,幫助連結與維繫家庭及人際關係,同時也增加了資源搜索及連結的可近性,綜合以上也說明了,復原力會受到生態系統的變化,而跟著變動,因此復原力應被放置於動態的視角中探討。 研究建議,未來在社會實務工作中,除了生理、心理與社會評估之外,也應著重於其他面向的評估,社會工作者應針對科技資源的部分多加訓練,給予我們的服務對象更有品質且多元的處遇。


復原力 單親 孩子 社會工作者 科技資源


This study's purpose was to explore the resilience progress of the adults who had single family experience in childhood. In the light of that each adult is unique and being influenced by Ego resilience, Family resilience and socio-ecological resilience, and we would mention how resilience interact with ecosystem, and explored emerging protection factor. We investigated adults who had single family experience in childhood, our main analysis method was individual interview. The study found that it identified the dynamic influences of Ego resilience, the ability of interpreting adversity. In addition to the individual personality, the findings showed that age was essential for the resilience, when the age got older, people’s thinking would be more mature, and that could help them reinterpret the feeling of adversity;In Family resilience, family cohesion and the interaction were the most important things. When the cohesion is higher, that could show the family resilience easier. We argued that resilience thinking as it has been developed in social-ecological systems. In socio-ecological, it found that resilience would be affected by the social position, and position would also affect the acquisition of individual resources, people in different position would connected different resources. The technology resources could be the protective factor, people could use “mobile phone”, “telephone”, “internet” to connect and keeping family and interpersonal relationship, furthermore, it could increase the linkability and resource search capability. Resilience would be changed with the ecosystem, for this reason, we should place the resilience in dynamic perspective. We suggested that socio-ecological approach to resilience-oriented development practice could contribute to its application in social work practice. Practitioners should be trained in using the technology resources, and giving our service users the quality and multiple treatment.


