  • 學位論文


Effects of DM tube feeding formula containing whey protein on the blood sugar and nutritional status of diabetic patients

指導教授 : 王進崑


隨著整體生活型態的改變,全球糖尿病之盛行率仍持續增加中,為了降低其後續嚴重的併發症及龐大的醫療支出,糖尿病的預防或改善已是刻不容緩的重要工作。 臨床上應用之糖尿病管灌配方非常多,但蛋白質來源為乳清蛋白者尚占少數,本研究擬探討給與糖尿病管灌個案含乳清蛋白之糖尿病適用配方,探討對其營養之改善及血糖控制之影響。研究進行時間為2014年11月至2015年6月。收案對象為居家及長照機構中年滿20歲患有糖尿病且肝、腎正常之管灌個案,進行為期8週之介入研究。最終完成試驗者共計31位(男性16位;女性15位),平均年齡為70.87歲(36-93歲)。 在8週之管灌介入後,個案之平均體重增加1.32%,身體質量指數、三頭肌皮層厚度、中臂圍及白蛋白都有顯著上升,顯示個案之體位及營養狀況有顯著提升。在血糖的變化方面,糖化血色素維持在正常範圍無顯著變化,但空腹血糖在介入後被顯著調降。受試者的血壓則都維持在正常範圍。在血脂方面,高密度脂蛋白膽固醇雖無變化,但三酸甘油脂有微幅下降,膽固醇及低密度脂蛋白膽固醇顯著調降,降幅分別達9.2%以及16.9%。本研究發現,管灌給予含乳清蛋白之糖尿病配方對個案之體位、營養狀況、空腹血糖及血脂都可獲得明顯之改善。


糖尿病 乳清蛋白 營養狀況 血糖


The incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide. In order to reduce the complication and large cost, the prevention and improvement of diabetes is very important. There are various DM formula products, but few of them containing whey protein. The aim of this study is to know the effects of DM tube feeding formula containing whey protein on the blood sugar and nutritional status of diabetic patients. The period of this study was from 2014 November to 2015 June. Subjects were from home care or living in nursing home. They had DM history, above 20 years old and had normal function of liver and kidney. Total intervention period was 8 weeks. Finally, totally 31 subjects (16 male and 15 female) completed in the study. The average age of them was 70.87 years old (36-93 years). After the intervention, the average of BW increased 1.32%. BMI, TSF, MAC and serum albumin of subjects were significantly increased. It meant the nutritional status was improved. HbA1c remained in the normal range without significant change, but fasting blood glucose was found reduced significantly after the intervention. Subjects maintained in the normal range of blood pressure. In lipid profiles, no change on HDL-C, but a slight decrease of TG, and cholesterol and LDL-C were significantly reduced 9.2% and 16.9%. The study clearly showed that DM tube feeding formula containing whey protein improved the nutritional status, fasting blood glucose and lipids.


DM whey protein nutritional status blood sugar blood glucose


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