  • 學位論文


Affecting factors of employment services on occupational accident workers

指導教授 : 陳美香


研究目的:本研究旨在瞭解職災勞工就業服務狀況,並探究就業服務協助職災勞工成功安置的影響。 研究方法:本研究屬於回溯性研究(retrospective study),將勞動部職業安全衛生署委託補助職災勞工就業服務單位提供之資料(101年~103年) ,透過專家會議將職災勞工就業服務內容分成10項支持內容與13個支持策略,進行次級資料分析後,再以獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定和二元迴歸分析何因子影響就業成功。 研究結果:本研究整體有59人接受服務,成功就業者(一天以上)有31位,未成功就業者28位。整體而言在「工作表現」的需求最多,整體而言在「工作表現」的需求最多,次高為「職前準備」,第三高為「生理健康」。而各支持策略「適性工作機會開拓」、「指導-實際示範/口頭提醒/工作提示單」、「 訓練/演練 」、「傾聽/同理」、「討論」、「輔導」、「陪同」、「連結資源 」、「 職務再設計-輔具/設施」、「教導重要他人」、「與雇主溝通」在組間有統計上顯著差異。 討論與結論:人、環境及職能三者間是互相有關連而影響人們的職能表現, 而這也是職災勞工重新回職場前後須適應內外環境,當把「工作」視為目標時,當能力低於環境要求,則須降低環境對於人們能力要求;或表現差異,增進表現。所以當以「成功就業」為職能目標時,影響人們職能參與的因素包括個人因素以及環境因素,個人因素如「工作表現」與「生理健康」或是環境因素之「維護工作權」,則是依照個別化需求之服務本質提供服務,分別透過「同理/傾聽」、「討論」、「輔導」以及「陪同」等策略協助成功就業。然有關職災就業服 務員的職務內容、角色及專業知能養成皆是未來可再探討的議題。


The physical, psychological, and social function of workers may be restricted by work-related injury, thereby affecting workers return to work. The purpose of this study is to investigate the various factors in occupational rehabilitation of workers suffering occupational accidents. Relation between Service Contents and Employment Outcomes in Occupational accidents. Method:Retrospective study,total of 59 injured workers . The data about supported employment services and employment outcomes. Independent t tests and Chi-square tests are used to analysis the differences between the workers who had been return to work and the workers who had not been. Independent t tests are used for continuous variables, Chi-square tests are used to compare categorical variables, and Binary Logistic is used to analysis which factors to supported domains、supporting strategies. Results:A total of 59 injured workers that employment outcomes are 31 injured workers of Successful group and 28 injured workers of Unsuccessful group. 1. For supported domains, the “performance” was most frequently used, followed by “pre-prepared” and “Health”. 2. For supporting strategies, there are statistically significant result(p<0.05) of jobs, Guide-Demonstrate/Verbal Remind/Verbal Guide/Painted Word, Train/ Drill, Listen/ Empathy, Discuss, Counsel, Company, Connect Resource, Job Recommendation- Assistive Devices/ Facilities, each Key-person, Communicate with Employer. Conclusion:Occupational accidents may cause function loss in injured workers physical, psychological and social domains, which may further reduce their work ability. The result of the study showed that the factors which for supported domains, the “Performance”, “Pre-prepared”, “Health” and for supporting strategies, Listen/ Empathy, Discuss, Counsel, Company. The results will be useful to know Supported employment of occupationally injured worker then to shorten the number of days to return to work.


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