  • 學位論文


Applying Service Experience Engineering to establish gender friendly environment for health care settings

指導教授 : 白佳原


傳統的醫療空間與處置流程多是以醫療人員的立場出發,依其方便性、使用習慣等進行設計,而未考量就醫者的便利性、舒適性與隱私性,往往造成了就醫者的不舒服感。目前醫療體系之就醫環境中,兩性病患對於性別友善環境皆具有高度需求,雖然行政院衛生署將病患的隱私權保護等項目納入評鑑項目,然而,此等措施之推動是否能夠成就性別友善醫療環境與服務之提供,則有待商榷。近年來「性別友善」觀念逐漸受到重視,本研究藉由了解不同性別在動機、需求、偏好等各面向的差異,落實在硬體環境上的改善,創造性別友善的環境。部分醫院已針對就醫環境、醫療流程做改善,並且推行婦女親善門診、病房等,但缺乏從性別觀點的角度去檢視是否符合女性的需求,有時矯枉過正,反而忽略男性的需求而使其權益受損。 本研究運用「服務體驗工程法論」做為研究工具,利用有系統的分析方法,了解不同性別之內科病患對於醫療空間之設計及其使用需求,而依據此調查與研究結果,完成醫療體系性別友善服務的規格書。 研究結果發現:男性對於檢查環境之隱私與檢查服之安全性也同樣重視,但社會上對於就醫隱私之規範普遍針對女性病患,反而忽略了男性的需求。女性對於性別友善醫療環境具有高度需求,尤其是對於醫院停車、育嬰空間、無障礙設施以及檢查服的安全性較為重視。女性對於檢查之過程,會特別注意檢查服及布簾之遮蔽性,並小心的保護其隱私。檢視我國有關性別與醫療相關議題之研究並不多見,尤其是有關於性別與醫療空間設計方向。本研究建議有關當局與醫療院除了著重於營造婦女友善醫療環境的同時,也應顧及男性的就醫需求,尤其是檢查隱私,以建立性別友善的就醫環境。


Traditionally the design for medical space and operation procedure are projected from medical staff prospective, ignore the convenient, comfort and privacy of the patients. Therefore, there are highly demands for gender-friendly in health care settings. Although the Department of Health, Taiwan had put the issue of patient privacy protection into hospital accreditation, the actual contribution to the aspect of providing gender-friendly health services and environment is still uncertain. The concept of “gender-friendly” has gained lots of attention in recent years. This study aimed to reveal the difference on the motivation, needs, and preferences between genders, which will further improve the environment for health care settings in a much gender-friendly way. Some hospitals improved both the environment hard ware and medical procedures and promote women-centered outpatient clinic and wards at the same time. However, when the needs of women were not inspected from the gender’s point of view, sometimes the rights of men could be compromised. This study used Service Experience Engineering (SEE) to analyze the usage and needs on different genders, in internal medicine department, and to design the rules for gender-friendly medical services. The results are as follows: men value the privacy of the examination space and the safety of health exam gowns as much as women. However, most privacy policy focused on women rather than men; women have a highly demand towards the parking spaces, the nursery room, barrier-free facilities and patient exam gowns. Women pay much attention to the coverage of curtains and gowns to protect their privacy. There are few studies inspecting gender related health-care issues focusing on gender-friendly medical space designs. The results of this study suggest it should focus equally importance on the usage and needs for men as well as for women, especially on men’s privacy, to build a gender-friendly environment in health care settings.


李佳燕(2008)。性別與醫療環境。醫療品質雜誌,2(5),72 -75。


