  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Application of Cognitive Psychology in Service Experience Engineering: The Case of Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit.

指導教授 : 蔡志浩


本研究嘗試將認知心理學運用於服務體驗工程,在服務研發前調查顧客需求,以做為服務研發的材料來源。以高雄捷運為例,大眾運輸服務建置前應就地方運輸特性予以調查,方能設計出適合地區使用者之大眾運輸系統。 本研究將捷運視為大眾運輸系統的一部份。首先用統計資料瞭解高雄地區的市場狀況,接著用觀察法調查使用者的步行行為,步行是使用大眾運具時重要的配套行為,因此調查步行資料可做為評估地區使用者未來是否能由自用運具轉換至大眾運具的因素之一。接著本研究讓使用者發聲,使用焦點團體法調查使用者對於大眾運輸與捷運的期待與評價。藉由釐清使用者的交通表徵及表徵來源,說明使用者對於與大眾運輸捷運的理解與期待;並由捷運基層工作人員的觀點,初步瞭解使用者搭乘捷運的適應情形。最後再總和所有資料,與受訪者一同進到捷運站搭乘,觀察真實情境中的使用行為,不但印證前述資料,更進一步補充使用者需求的完整度。 本研究發現,由於高雄地區的使用者在市區多選擇自用運具,大眾運輸長期以來營運績效不佳,更增強自用運具的使用行為。而捷運因沒有良好的大眾運輸支撐其便利性,因此捷運的加入對大眾運輸運量的提升有限,這也使捷運本身的運量受到影響,對於營運的成效幫助有限。 本研究進行時已屆捷運完工,所彙整的使用者行為資料僅能做為服務改善之用。然而本研究的另一目的是嘗試跨領域的研究思維與方法,做為認知心理學在服務體驗工程運用之示範,期盼心理學能夠在服務研發的過程中發揮所長,為使用者需求提供更完整、清晰的模樣。


This research attempts to apply the methodology and perspective of cognitive psychology on service experience engineering (SEE), using Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit (KMRT) as a test case. Before service design, investigation of the customers’ needs should be started, for the data could be very useful in the design process. KMRT is viewed in a larger context of public transportation in this research. Study 1 reviewed statistical data published by local and central governments to identify important service issues. Empirical observation of people's walking habits was also observed, as walking a considerable distance is usually coupled with the use of public transportation. The assumption of this study is that users' preference in transportation can be used to evaluate the transition of private transportation to public transportation. Study 2 used focus group interviews to obtain potential customers' understanding and expectations of Kaohsiung's public transportation system in general and KMRT specifically, trying to uncover people's mental representations of various public transportation services. Study 3 interviewed KMRT employees to obtain their observations of customers. Study 4 and 5 interviewed several KMRT customers in context. Researcher took rides of KMRT with the interviewee while the interview was conducted during such a process. Findings from Study 1-3 were examined and verified. New discoveries were also noted. The design of any new service should be preceded by thorough investigation of its potential customers. Despite the fact that this research was conducted when the construction of KMRT was almost completed, it has still demonstrated the value of cognitive psychology in service research.


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吳志明(2015)。運用服務體驗工程於醫療產業之研究: 以智慧化護士呼叫服務與驗證為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.01205
