  • 學位論文


Sensory Processing and Postural Control of Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

指導教授 : 鄧雅凌


研究目的:本研究旨在探討 7~10 歲的注意力不足過動症(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,簡稱 ADHD)兒童之感覺處理及姿勢控制能力,以及兩者 之間的關聯,透過臨床感覺處理量表和動態平衡測試儀的測試,了解 ADHD 兒 童與一般健康兒童在感覺處理和姿勢控制能力的差異,及釐清兒童使用三種不同 感覺(本體覺、前庭覺、視覺)以維持平衡之策略,並檢驗臨床量表與動態平衡儀 評估結果之關係,俾能提供臨床治療師更有效的介入策略之建議。 研究方法及資料:研究對象為 26 名 ADHD 兒童及 18 名一般健康兒童,兒童個 別接受六個感覺情境測試,以釐清兒童維持靜態姿勢平衡能力以及有效運用三種 不同感覺以維持姿勢控制的比率。同時間由家長填寫感覺處理能力剖析量表 3 至 10 歲中文版及學生行為評量表,評估兒童使用不同感覺處理能力以因應日常 生活活動的能力,同時也透過學生行為評量表了解兒童出現問題行為的頻率。 研究結果:ADHD 兒童於感覺處理、感覺調節、情緒與行為反應之三大領域全 數顯著較一般健康兒童差。於六個情境測驗整體的綜合平衡能力也顯著較一般健 康兒童差,並且使用本體感覺及前庭感覺維持平衡的比率也顯著低於一般健康兒 童。ADHD 兒童的姿勢平衡能力與感覺處理量表之聽覺、前庭覺、觸覺以及多 重感覺處理、身體姿勢與動作、還有受感覺調節影響之情緒反應,及反應閾值有 顯著正相關,一般健康兒童的感覺處理能力則與姿勢平衡與感覺策略皆無顯著相 關。 結論與建議:ADHD 兒童維持日常生活功能的感覺處理能力,和不同感覺情境 下的姿勢穩定度及運用感覺輸入維持姿勢控制的感覺策略之能力皆較一般健康 兒童差。日常生活中感覺處理不佳,和較差的姿勢控制能力有相關。本研究顯示 以觀察臨床行為表現為主的感覺處理量表,可以預測 ADHD 兒童的姿勢平衡能 力,但無法提供一般健康兒童的姿勢平衡的能力預測。臨床工作者可藉由臨床上 常使用的感覺處理能力剖析量表評估 ADHD 兒童之感覺處理能力,並依照其結 果推論兒童之平衡能力,本研究之發現有助臨床工作者在有限的時間內制定更全 面、且有效的完善的治療目標及介入方案。


Objective:The objectives of this study are to explore the sensory processing and postural control function, as well as the relationship between both on 7 to 10 years old children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), by comparing the ability to process sensory information in daily activities, and the ability to control postural stability, also to verify the extend of using three sensory inputs (visual, proprioceptive, vestibular) to maintain postural stability between ADHD children and typically developed children. Methods and Materials:The subjects were 26 ADHD children and 18 healthy children. Each child underwent the sensory organization test of Smart Balance Master with six sensory conditions. At the same time, the parents completed the sensory profile 3 to 10 years old-Chinese version and student behavior- parental version. Results:Children with ADHD had significantly poorer sensory processing abilities in all three domains of the sensory processing profile, including sensory processing, sensory modulation, emotional and behavioral responses, compared to that for healthy children, and they adopted significantly lower ratio of somatosensory and vestibular sensory than healthy children. For ADHD children, the composite equilibrium score was positively correlated with three domains of the sensory profile including auditory, vestibular, tactile and multi-sensory processing, and modulation related to body position and movement and those affecting emotional responses, as well as thresholds for response. No relationship was found between sensory profile and composite equilibrium score for healthy children. Conclusion and Suggestion:Children with ADHD have poor sensory process ability in performing daily activities. They also have difficulties maintaining postural stability in environments with altered sensory information, as well as use less sensory inputs to maintain postural control. Current study verified that observation-based clinical assessment for sensory processing ability can predict postural control of ADHD children, yet the same result is not applicable for healthy children. Clinicians are suggested to use the results from sensory processing profile to infer postural control ability of ADHD children, and provide more comprehensive intervention protocol.


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