  • 學位論文


The study of cognition of asperger for elementary school parents

指導教授 : 李亞欣


研究目的:泛自閉症障礙群體這議題愈來愈受到關注與重視,其中以自閉症(Autism)及亞斯伯格症(Asperger Syndrome)為重視,主要原因為發病年齡小、初期症狀不易辨識,且這些障礙都有不等程度的自閉症核心症狀,衍生的情緒與行為問題造成患童有不同程度的學習與生活上適應的困難,各國專家學者與相關團體的呼籲下,亞斯伯格症的鑑定、教育與相關服務的議題已備受重視。 在台灣亞斯伯格症家長認知議題研究缺乏,也較少有亞斯伯格症相關的數據資料,整體來說,國內亞斯伯格症個案數量逐漸增加,相關議題的探討著實有其需要,故本研究希望了解家長的不同就醫態度對亞斯伯格症的認知之影響。 研究方法:本研究採用兩種研究方法,分別為全民健康保險研究資料庫與問卷調查:一、利用2008~2011年全民健保處方及治療明細檔_門急診檔進行研究分析,對象為ICD-9-CM為299.80之新增亞斯伯格症族群及ICD-9-CM為299之新增自閉症族群,以了解亞斯伯格症與自閉症盛行率;二、利用橫斷式的研究設計,主要是以中部地區某三間國民小學為研究範圍,研究對象為學童的家長,採問卷調查的方式,本問卷共發出問卷250份,共回收到238份,並將有重複填寫的問卷視為無效問卷,並予以刪除,最後有效問卷共233份,有效問卷回收率為93.2%。 研究結果:(1)本研究的亞斯伯格症的盛行率與西方國家的盛行率相差10倍以上,台灣的亞斯伯格症的盛行率仍然低估。(2)在性別方面男女性盛行率比例約5:1。(3)受訪者之教育程度與閱讀醫學資訊會影響亞斯伯格症的認知。(4)受訪者之引起亞斯伯格症的原因與就醫科別會影響亞斯伯格症的認知。(5)受訪者閱讀醫學資訊種類次數會影響就亞斯伯格症認知程度。 結論:研究發現教育程度越高、閱讀醫學資訊頻率越高、引起亞斯伯格的原因答對題數越多與閱讀資訊種類次數來源越多皆對亞斯伯格症認知的程度越高。


Objective:Nowadays the Autistic Spectrum Disorder(ASD) was got more attention. Among the ASD, the Autism and Asperger Syndrome are the popular articles. The main reason are those diseases occurs on younger children and the initial symptom of those diseases are not identified easily. But those obstacles have varying degrees of core symptoms of autism, emotional and behavioral problems arising from difficulties caused Children with varying degrees of learning and life adaptation and calls upon States experts and stakeholders under Asperger identification Berg disease, issues of education and related services are highly valued. In Taiwan, there is lack of cognitive research topic of Asperger’s parents and relevant data of Asperger. In summary, the domestic cases of Asperger are increasing and shows the discussions of related issues are required. So this essay is to understand the impact of different attitudes of parents in seeking medical treatments on Asperger’s congnition. Methods:There are two research methods in this study. One is the Research Database of the National Health Insurance and the other is the survey; first of all, by using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database and Ambulatory care expenditures by visiting (CD) profile research and analysis. The object is ICD-9-CM to 299,80 Asperger’s new ethnic and ICD-9-CM to 299 of the new autism groups to understand Asperger’s and autism prevalence; Second methods is the utilization of the cross-sectional study design; the main research scope is the parents of elementary students who are currently studying in the three elementary schools of central Taiwan. The survey was issued 250 questionnaires and 238 were received. After removed some repeated questionnaires, there are 233 questionnaires are valid. The effective response rate is 93.2%. Results:(1) In this study, the prevalence of Asperger syndrome prevalence in Western countries differ by more than 10 times, the prevalence of Asperger Taiwan is still undervalued. (2) The prevalence of men and women in terms of gender ratio of about 5: 1. (3) The respondent demographic variables can affect cognitive Asperger's. (4) Of the respondents Asperger cognitive demographic variables can affect cognitive Asperger's. (5) Of the respondents read medical information will affect the number of species on Asperger's awareness. Conclusion:The study found that the higher education level and frequency of reading medical information, the more corrective answer to the cause of Asperger's questions and more sources of reading information categories all affects the higher degree of cognition of Asperger.


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2. 中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會2014年度統計資料。取自:http://www.tma.tw/tma_stats_2014/index.html
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