  • 學位論文

國中生健康相關行為及校園安全對於 身心適應狀況關係之影響 -追蹤資料分析

The Association of Health Related Behavior, School Safety With Junior High School Students’ Mental Health: a Longitudinal Study Follow from Grade 8 to 9

指導教授 : 陸玓玲


研究目的:了解國中生健康相關行為、校園安全及身心適應的現況,並以一年八個月之追蹤資料,探討對於國三學生在健康相關行為、校園安全對於身心適應狀況之影響。研究對象與方法:本研究使用次集資料,以「基隆市基隆市國小、國中及高中職在學學生健康知識、態度暨行為委託研究調查」中,98年10月國二學生完整追蹤至100年6月國三學生完成追蹤問卷調查並排除重要變項不完整填答後之829人為本研究分析樣本。分別以卡方檢定、T檢定及Logistic Regression進行分析。研究結果:與情緒困擾有顯著相關之行為僅有前一年有被故意攻擊侮辱經驗者,該者有情緒困擾是無被故意攻擊經驗者的2.63倍;而其他相關因子探討中,與情緒困擾有關之因素:性別、與父親關係、自尊、日常生活壓力;男生有情緒困擾者是女生的0.64倍;與父親關係很好者有情緒困擾是與父親關係普通以下的0.63倍;自尊程度較好者有情緒困擾是自尊程度較差者的0.32倍;日常生活壓力中等者有情緒困擾是日常生活壓力較低者的2.24倍;日常生活壓力較高者有情緒困擾是日常生活壓力較低者的5.75倍;另外可以發現98年身心適應有情緒困擾持續到99年依舊有情緒困擾者是98年身心適應良好的2.9倍。結論與建議:研究控制相關背景因素後,發現與國中生身心適應解釋力最大的危險因子,是為日常生活壓力及前一年的身心狀況;因此可見國中生除了具備良好的健康行為外,透過家長及師長的支持,教與因應壓力之技巧以應付日常生活壓力之重要性;並且情緒上的困擾是會延續的狀態,因此更應致力於降低情緒困擾及心理失能發生率。


Purpose: To estimate the effect of 9th grade’s health related behavior, school safety to mental health during a year and 8 months, and to realize the situation of 9th grade’s health related behavior, school safety and mental health. Methods: Data was adopted from「Health related knowledge, attitude, and practice of children and adolescent students in KeeLung City 2009, 2011」, date from October, 2009 to June, 2011, include totally 829 students those completed the two-wave questionnaire and without missing value in the dependent variable. The conclusions and suggestions were conducted and analyzed by chi-test, t-test, and logistic regression. Results: After controlling for socio-demographics, life events, daily stress, mental health situation last year, betel quid chewing and exposure to violence. The only health related behavior and school safety factor to mental health is experienced aggressive behavior (OR=2.63). Other related factors include: gender(OR=0.64), relationship with Father (OR=0.63), self-esteem(OR=0.32), daily stress(OR=2.24, OR=5.75) and mental health situation last year (OR=2.9). Conclusions and Suggestions: Daily stress, mental health situation last year are important factors of adolescents’ mental health. It was suggested that parents and school teachers should pay more attention to adolescents’ mental health, teach adolescents to reevaluate the severity of daily events, provide more support to them and encourage them to use approach-oriented coping style in stressful circumstances, so as to prevent a sharper increase in any mental disorder. Also, try hard to minimize the incidence of any negative emotions because of depressive symptom will lasted after it first happened.


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