  • 學位論文

同道、家族與遺民主體:明清之際冒襄 (1611-1693) 及其文學研究

Fellowship, Family and the Loyalist Subjectivity—A Study of Mao Xiang (1611-1693) and His Literature in the Ming-Qing Transition

指導教授 : 鄭文惠


本研究環繞明清之際文人冒襄(字辟疆,號巢民,1611-1693)國變後的生命經歷而展開,並以易代亂離與創傷修通為討論起點,分從對冒襄影響最巨大的「他者」面向切入——「同道」與「家族」,藉此審視「遺民主體」的生成與倫理道德、價值信仰的辯證。本論文以冒襄詩文為例,切分不同時段的重大課題,依次為鼎革、交道、持家與晚期風格,意欲通過不同視角的爬梳與長時段的考察,檢視冒襄如何以世家之子與復社名流的身分,在國變後進行主體的自我轉化與形構。 易代、災難與暴力所帶來的巨大衝擊,遍見於同時代的倖存者。然而,過去對遺民/貳臣的界定,多囿限於二元對立,忽略戰亂與災難作為一種普遍性的生命耗竭,催化各種層面的演變。是故,遺民如何在此一歷劫中,更動自我認知,並通過種種行動實踐與記憶書寫,重塑自我生命藍圖,成為本論文觀察與省思的方向。全文共計六章:以第二章易代亂離為首,其下展開三、四章的友倫與家族敘事,第五章由晚期風格回視過往,特意以縱軸的「孝」與橫軸的「友」,梳理冒襄的人倫世界,以期一窺遺民心境的種種幽微。通過冒襄詩文的歷時性爬梳,不僅回應晚明新五倫的發展脈絡,亦有助於開展遺民主體新的對話可能。


遺民主體 冒襄 修通 友倫 家族 晚期風格


The study focuses on the life course of loyalist writer Mao Xiang (1611 - 1693) situated within the drastic changes in the Ming-Qing transition. It departs from the diaspora and trauma arising from a transition period and cuts in from the angle of “the others” – like-minded peers and family, which influences Mao the most throughout his life. This approach is necessary as it examines the subjectivity, ethics and beliefs of the Ming loyalists. The paper uses Mao’s creative works as references and follows the major events of the four different phases of his life to carve out the formation and transformation of Mao’s subjectivity after the power transition. Power transition, catastrophe and violence have gigantic impact on survivors of the same era. However, the discussion of loyalists and turncoats has long been limited to binary opposition and seems to neglect the fact that war and catastrophe can empty out and change every aspect of one’s life. The research reflects on how loyalists can initiate action/identity changes and inspire a new blueprint for life through the challenging testament in a difficult time. Divided into six chapters, the second chapter centers on transition and diaspora, followed by the narrative discourses of his peers and families in the third and fourth chapters. The fifth part looks back on Mao’s work of style in later life. This part specifically analyzes filial piety and friendship of Mao’s life, allowing us to investigate the inner world of loyalists. Through the study of Mao Xiang’s literary works, we not only can respond to the changes of the five elements in late Ming Dynasty, but also help open a new dialogue for the research opportunities of the subjectivity of loyalists.


