  • 學位論文


An Inquiry into Psychological Contract, Work-related Stress, Psychological Capital in Conjunction with the Mental Health of Junior High School Counseling Teachers

指導教授 : 王鍾和


為瞭解我國國民中學輔導教師心理契約、工作壓力、心理資本與心理健康間的關係,乃以台灣國民中學專任輔導教師510人為研究對象,再採用個人基本資料量表、輔導教師心理契約量表、輔導教師工作壓力量表、輔導教師心理資本量表、輔導教師憂鬱量表及輔導教師幸福感量表等研究工具,獲取所需資料,再以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子多變量變異數分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。研究主要發現如下: 1.國民中學輔導教師對工作心理契約的覺知,呈現中高程度的表現。 2.國民中學輔導教師對工作壓力覺知與感受,呈現中低程度現況。 3.國民中學輔導教師的心理資本,呈現中上程度的表現。 4.國民中學輔導教師對憂鬱感受的程度,呈現中間偏低的現況。 5.國民中學輔導教師對幸福感感受的程度,呈現高度正向的表現。 6.婚姻狀況不同的輔導教師對心理契約、工作壓力、心理資本、憂鬱及幸福感存有顯著的差異。 7.年齡不同的輔導教師對心理資本、憂鬱及幸福感存有顯著的差異。 8.專業背景不同的輔導教師對心理契約、工作壓力及心理資本存有顯著的差異。 9.工作年資不同的輔導教師對心理資本、憂鬱及幸福感存有顯著的差異。 10.國中輔導教師的心理契約、工作壓力、心理資本及心理健康模式有良好的適配度。 11.整體而言,透過輔導教師心理健康的影響因素模式的驗證,顯示對國中輔導教師而言,工作壓力是危險因子,會增強憂鬱行為表現的程度;心理資本是保護因子,能夠提昇幸福感的程度。 12.透過輔導教師心理健康的影響因素模式的驗證,國中輔導教師的幸福感在其心理資本與憂鬱行為表現,扮演完全中介的角色,透過增強主觀幸福感,就能降低憂鬱傾向,提昇其心理健康程度。 本研究根據上述各項發現加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供國中專任輔導教師、教育行政主管機關及師培機構在實務工作、政策擬定及學術研究上之參考。


In order to understand the relationship between psychological contract, work-related stress, psychological capital, and mental health of counseling teachers in our junior high schools, 510 Taiwanese junior high school counseling teachers were the subjects of the research with adopting basic information scale, counseling teacher psychological contract scale, counseling teacher work-related stress scale, counseling teacher psychological capital scale, counseling teacher depression scale, and counseling teachers well-being scale to acquire the needed information which then undergoes statistical analyses such as descriptive analysis, t test, multivariate analysis of variance, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model. The major findings of the research are as follows: 1.Cognition of the junior high school counseling teachers on psychological contract exhibit medium to high level of performance. 2.Cognition and feeling of the junior high school counseling teachers on work-related stress exhibit medium to low level of condition. 3.Psychological capital of the junior high school counseling teachers exhibit medium to high level of performance. 4.Feeling of the junior high school counseling teachers on depression exhibit medium toward low level of condition. 5.Feeling of the junior high school counseling teachers on well-being exhibit highly positive performance. 6.There is significant difference in counseling teachers of different marital status on psychological contract, work-related stress, psychological capital, depression and well-being. 7.There is significant difference in counseling teachers of different age on psychological contract, depression and well-being. 8.There is significant difference in counseling teachers of different professional background on psychological contract, work-related stress, and psychological capital. 9.There is significant difference in counseling teachers of different work seniority on psychological capital, depression and well-being. 10.There is good fitness in junior high school counseling teachers on psychological contract, work-related stress, psychological capital, and mental health. 11.Overall, through verification of influencing factor model of counseling teachers’ mental health, in terms of junior high school counseling teachers, work-related stress is a dangerous factor that will enhance the level of depression; psychological capital is a protective factor that can increase the level of well-being. 12.Through verification of influencing factor model of counseling teachers’ mental health, the feeling of well-being plays the role of a full mediator in the performance of psychological capital and depression. By enhancing subjective feeling of well-being will lower the propensity toward depression and increase the level of mental health. The research discusses on the various findings above and proposes several recommendations as reference for junior high school counseling teachers, education administrative agency and teacher training institution in terms of actual work, policy setting, and academic research.


