  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship Between Job Stress and Coping Strategies for a Chief of Students' Lives Guidance in Complete High School

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在探究完全中學生活輔導組長工作壓力與因應策略之相關研究,首先透過文獻探討確立研究架構,據以發展「完全中學生活輔導組長工作壓力與因應策略調查問卷」,採全面普查的方式,研究對象為121位,,乃在分析其工作壓力來源與工作壓力因應策略的情形,將研究結果做成建議,分別在政策、學校及生輔組長三方面提供參考意見。根據研究目的,進行問卷普查,透過描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定及皮爾遜積差相關之統計。資料處理與結果分析後,獲致以下結論: 一、完全中學「生輔組長」目前面臨的最大工作壓力來源是「工作負荷」,最小的壓力來源是「人際關係」。 二、完全中學生輔組長面對壓力所採取因應策略,不論目前或未來所要採取的策略,最常採取的因應策略為「接受責任」;極少採取的因應策略為「逃避」。 三、不同背景變項的完全中學「生輔組長」,工作壓力來源的感受以及面對壓力所採取的因應策略趨向一致,沒有顯著差異。只有現任的完全中學「生輔組長」對工作壓力來源的「工作負荷」感受大於曾任。 四、完全中學「生輔組長」在感受某一層面的壓力時,因個別差異所採用的策略不盡相同,彼此間並無顯著相關。 五、完全中學「生輔組長」面對工作壓力採取因應策略,未來使用策略同意程度得分高於現況,顯示在未來面臨工作壓力時,期勉有更積極之因應策略。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between job stresses and coping strategies for the chiefs of students’ lives guidance in Complete High Schools. Literature review and questionnaire were conducted for this study. A questionnaire was used as research tool. This study sampled 121 persons from those who have served successively as the chiefs of students’ lives guidance in Complete High Schools. There were 112 valid responses. The statistical methodologies included descriptive statistics, t-test, independent sample T test, paired sample T-test, Pearson product-moment correlation. According to the result of the data analysis, the conclusions and suggestions of this study were as followed: 1. The stresses the chiefs of students’ lives guidance in Complete High Schools faced came mostly from “work burden,” but the least was from “interpersonal relationship.” 2. The coping strategies the chiefs of students’ lives guidance in Complete High Schools used had no significant differences in either events of present or those in the future, and the most was ”to face problems,” while the least was ”to avoid them.” 3. For the chiefs of students’ lives guidance in Complete High Schools from different background variables, the perception from job stresses and the coping strategies to face pressure tended to be the same, there was no significant differences. The perception of the present “chiefs of students’ lives guidance” in Complete High Schools for “work burden” from job stresses was larger than that of the past. 4. When feeling some kinds of stresses, due to individual differences, the strategies chiefs of students’ lives guidance in Complete High Schools used were not necessarily the same, and showed there were no significant relations. 5.When facing job stresses and taking the coping strategies, the chiefs of students’ lives guidance in Complete High Schools got higher scores for the future than under the present situations, which showed they will have more positive coping strategies when they face job stresses in the future.


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