  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legal Relationship of Joint Development for Mass Rapid Transit Land Use

指導教授 : 詹鎮榮


自民國79年「大眾捷運系統土地聯合開發辦法」發布實施後,臺北市政府捷運工程局據以辦理捷運聯合開發作業迄今,已有62個基地完工使用。然因聯合開發作業從用地評選至聯合開發大樓興建完成後的使用管理,其工作項目繁雜,加以初期相關法令及執行規定未臻完善,致使開發期程甚長引發地主抱怨;另外開發用地劃設、都市計畫變更及用地取得等更是攸關民眾權益甚鉅,導致聯合開發業務範圍所涉法令繁多。隨著近年來,監察院針對臺北市政府辦理臺北車站特定區雙子星開發案、新店機廠聯合開發美河市案提出質疑及糾正,且因政策變更臺北市政府提出南港機廠聯合開發案終止契約,聯合開發日益受到大眾的關注。   然遍查國內產官學界對於捷運用地聯合開發機制的研究著墨甚少,往往僅有針對個案事件所觸發的爭點作相對應的回應,缺乏整體架構及通盤論述,故本文藉由實務經驗的累積,以公私協力精神為基礎,從寬廣的聯合開發目的開始論述,初步建構聯合開發機制的基礎法理,以作為後續行政機關從事執行聯合開發業務的政策考量中心。   由於大眾捷運聯合開發過程中涉及公私部門間利益、鉅額的投資、參與者複雜的法律關係、開發用地的取得、徵求評選投資人、權益分配以及主管機關締結各類契約性質,本文藉由前述法理的建立予以分析各權益關係人間法律關係,並舉臺北捷運新店機廠聯合開發案作為爭議案例,就大眾捷運聯合開發制度的變革給予建議。


Since the public notice of “Regulations for the Joint Development of Land Adjacent to or Contiguous with Rapid Transit System” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations for the Joint Development Land) was announced and enforced in 1990, DORTS has managed joint development projects based on the regulations and completed 62 joint development projects so far. Because of complicated working tasks and incomplete initial law and principle during the period which is from the site evaluation to the management of a completed joint development building, those cause development period too long and make landowners file complaints against the competent authorities. Moreover, assessments for land to be used, rezoning, and land acquisition, which substantially affected landowners’ rights and interests, the task of joint development projects concerns a wide range of laws and regulations. Recently, the Control Yuan issued investigatory reports with corrective measures concerning Taipei City Government’s dealings with the Taipei Main Station District Twin-tower and the Xindian Depot MeHAS joint development projects. In addition, Taipei City Government terminated the Nangang Depot joint development project contract due to a policy change. Because of these above-mentioned cases, joint development projects have been the subject of wide concern to public.  However, there is little research studying the mechanism for joint development on MRT land. Instead, there are only responses corresponding to conflicts in individual cases which are lacking in comprehensive discussion with structure and concepts. Therefore, this paper aims to study a discourse by summary and induction from accumulated field experience. Based on the spirit of public-private partnership, this study starts with the objective goal of joint development, and then initially builds on the concept of joint development. This study can be a reference for administrative units which carry out joint development projects when they make policies in future.  The process of joint development involves many issues about the interests between public and private, the project of investment, complex legal relations with the concerned parties, the competent authority obtains lands by means of different methods, the institution of seeking the investor, allocation of rights and interests, the legal nature of various types of contracts made by the competent authority. Based on the concept of joint development, the research analyses and discusses those questions. As stated above in relation to the case study on the Xindian Depot MeHAS joint development projects, the research proposes some recommendations for the system of joint development of MRT.


Björn Ahl(中名:伯陽),德國公法導論(Einführung in das deutsche öffentliche Recht),北京大學出版社,一版,2008年06月。
Eberhard Schmidt-Aßmann(林明鏘、陳英鈐、孫迺翊、陳耀祥、許春鎮、張錕盛、張桐銳 譯),行政法總論作為秩序理念─行政法體系建構的基礎與任務,元照出版有限公司,初版,2009年10月。
Urban Land Institute(美國都市與土地協會(ULI),彭甫寧 譯),Joint Development:Making the Real Estate-Transit Connection(聯合開發─不動產開發與交通運輸的連結),初版,1991年09月。
