  • 學位論文


A Study on Influential Factors of First Job Wage of Senior High School Graduates

指導教授 : 秦夢群


本研究主要探究影響高級中等學校畢業後即進入職場從事全職工作者薪資所得之因素,以「臺灣後期中等教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Upper Secondary Database)」對103學年度入學學生普查之問卷為研究工具,並以105學年度自高級中等學校畢業後即進入職場擔任全職工作之學生為研究對象,經由身分識別及資料介接,取得及篩選出956個有效樣本薪資所得數據,此資料透過描述性統計、T檢定、變異數分析、百分比交叉分析、迴歸分析、區別分析、路徑模式分析進行統計分析,並獲得以下結論: 一、高級中等學校畢業後即進入職場任職學生,以男性、家庭經濟狀況收支平衡、父母親普遍為高中職或國中畢業、居住地區都市化程度第二級,且多就讀進修部(學校)、高職、私立學校,國中教育會考各科成績介於基礎與待加強之間者居多 二、高級中等學校畢業生初職薪資與勞動市場水準未盡符合 三、學生性別、居住地區都市化程度、就讀學類、教育分流、選校就業考量、會考成績、工讀經驗、職場體驗會影響畢業後初任職務薪資所得 四、畢業後即就業學生之國中教育會考總成績、高中就學歷程職場體驗,對薪資所得有負面影響 五、學生居住地區都市化程度會經由其工讀經驗、職場體驗,進而影響薪資所得 依據上述研究結論,提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)廣辦國中階段職業試探課程,提早讓有意畢業後即進入職場之高中生熟悉勞動環境。 (二)加強適性輔導職業性向明確學生選擇入學高中職及就讀學類 二、對學校經營者之建議 (一)強化學校課程教學結合產業實務需求,培育業界所需人才 (二)位處非都會地區學校可藉由產學合作方案,提供學生更多工讀機會 (三)加強學生與產業人力市場銜接的訓練,縮短中等教育人力供給與產業人力需求之間的落差 三、對後續研究之建議 (一)增加就業力技能及進入職場後取得地位、勞動條件等影響變因 (二)影響因素納入學生於高級中等教育階段學習表現 (三)追蹤畢業生進入職場後薪資變化情況及影響因素


This research was done in order to find out how main factors affect first job wages of senior high school graduates. We utilize the Upper Secondary Student Survey: High School 10th Graders and Freshmen of Junior College as part of Taiwan Upper Secondary Database. The data collected was analyzed in terms of statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient, Cross analysis, Discriminant analysis, regression analysis, and Pattern of pathway analysis. These databases came from students who had graduated in 2017. To confirm their wages' amount, we used personal IDs to check wages data one by one from the Labor Pension Fund database. Findings from this study lead to the following conclusions: 1.Those who are employed immediately after graduation from senior high school, most of their parents are normally general and vocational high school or junior high school graduation, the degree of urbanization of residential areas is high, and more to attend the division of continuing education (schools), vocational high, private schools, grades received from the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students between the foundation and to be strengthened in the majority. 2.First job wages of who are employed immediately after graduation from senior high school are not exactly in line with labor market. 3.The gender, the urbanization of growth region, Department of Studies, tracking education, school choice with employment will, part-time working experience, workplace experience has impact on the first job wage. 4.Grades received from the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students who are employed immediately after graduation, and their workplace experience has a negative impact on the first job wage. 5.The impact of first job wage is given by the urbanization of the growth region through part-time working experience, workplace experience. Finally, some suggestions based on the results of the study are proposed to the educational administration, schools, as well as future studies.


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方世榮、楊舒蜜(譯)(2012)。現代人力資源管理(原作者:Gray Dessler)。臺北市:華泰文化。
