  • 學位論文


A Study of Affecting Factors on Junior High School Students' Learning Performance

指導教授 : 簡德金


隨著十二年國民基本教育的實施,民國103年起大部分國中畢業生,將透過免試方式進入高中、高職及五專就學,突破傳統以成績為衡量學生學習成效的唯一標準,雖然升學考試壓力減緩,但面對知識時代潮流,社會著重知識導向,更重視的是教育的品質。學校教育的目的培養國家未來之棟樑,但人才的栽培非一朝一夕,必須要持久不斷的精進投入,因此,如何保證每一位學生的學習質量,進一步達到全面提升教育品質的目標,實有必要掌握學生學習成效之重要因素。雖然過去已有諸多學者提出影響學習成效因素之研究,但大多為單一面向之研究,少有以權重性角度來研究影響學習成效之重要因素。 為此,本研究彙整專家學者的文獻佐證,彙整出影響學生學習成效之因素;並在KJ法的使用下,建立影響學生學習成效因素架構雛形。而在焦點團體訪談法與德爾菲法等技術下,進行架構下各類別之合理性適切性檢測,完成影響學生學習成效因素架構終案。最後,再透過層級分析法(AHP)賦予權重值,使本研究對於影響學生學習成效因素架構能夠建立出程度上的差異。最後本研究成果提供予教育工作者、家長、教育主管機關等,做為提升學生學習成效之重要參考依據。


With the practice of 12-year compulsory education, most of the junior high school graduates have admitted to senior and vocational high schools, junior colleges by examination-free admission system in Taiwan since 2014. The system intended to phase out the current system of evaluating students’ learning performance primarily through distribution only based on examinations. Facing the trends of knowledge, the society emphasizes education quality nowadays even though the burden of entrance examination for the graduates is lower than before in reality. The purpose of the school education is to cultivate talents in future. It is known that the cultivation for talented students must unremittingly invest lots of time and manpower, not in a moment. Thus, assuring the learning quality of each student and further enhancing the quality of education is necessary for us to realize the learning performance for the students. As we know, there are several studies in investigating the factors of learning performance in the past. However, most of the studies are single-oriented, but not weighted. In this way, this research compiles several studies and literatures to describe the factors of learning effect within students. We construct a adequately framework miniature examined by K-J method, focus group interview, Delphi method and make it practical in assigning weights to analyze the difference of learning performance by analytic hierarchy process(AHP). Finally, this research has tried to explain the influencing factors of students’ learning performance and suggest playing an extremely important role in elevating learning performance for students. The results have been provided for educators, parents and education authorities as possible.


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陳慧珊(2016)。國中生休閒涉入、時間管理與學業成就關係之研究– 以雲林縣崇德國中為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2507201613293400
