  • 學位論文

國中生休閒涉入、時間管理與學業成就關係之研究– 以雲林縣崇德國中為例

The Study of the Relationship among the Junior High School Students’Academic Achievement, Leisure Involvement and Time Management -A Case of Chung De Junior High School

指導教授 : 李彥希


台灣推動教育改革已行之有年,在中央政策與學校單位的努力調和下,希冀十二年國教能達到有教無類、因材施教、適性揚才、多元進路、優質銜接(可以直接發掘學生優勢能力)等目標。然而,在重視多元表現的十二年國教,仍可以發現家長普遍觀念仍為「勤有功,嬉無益」,因此本研究旨在探討國中生休閒涉入、時間管理、學業成就之關係。同時採取問卷調查法,以雲林縣立崇德國中學生為主要研究對象,並以普查的方式進行資料的收集,共發出468份問卷,有效問卷461份。研究工具為研究者自編問卷,問卷包含三部份,第一部分為「基本資料」、第二部分為「休閒涉入量表」、第三部分為「時間管理量表」,並調查該生教育會考學業成績。所得量化資料使用SPSS 21.0套裝軟體程式,以描述性統計、信度分析、項目分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、相關分析進行統計分析。 本研究主要發現包括: 1.國中生休閒參與以體能型活動較多,其次為娛樂型活動,而較少從事社交型、知識藝文型的休閒活動。 2.國中生在整體休閒涉入表現上,因性別、主要管教者的職業、主要管較者的教育程度、休閒活動類型、休閒活動頻率、休閒活動平均時間、每日讀書時間有顯著差異。 3.國中生在整體時間管理上,因性別、主要管教者的職業、每月平均零用錢、休閒活動平均時間、每日讀書時間而有顯著差異。 4.國中生在整體時間管理上,會因主要管教者的職業而有顯著差異。 5.國中生休閒涉入、時間管理和學業成就等變項有正向相關之關係存在。 最後,根據研究發現與結論,從學校、教師、家長及未來研究方面分別提出建議,以供提昇學生休閒涉入、時間管理、學業成就之外顯表現及後續研究之參考。


Taiwan has promoted educational reformation for years and with reconciliation from central policy and schools, it hoped that twelve-year public education could achieve purposes of discriminating none and catering to specific nature of the individual, talent development, multiple access, quality convergence (which could directly explore advantage capacity of student), etc. However, it could still find that general concept from parents are still “Reward lies ahead of diligence, but nothing is gained by indolence” while twelve-year public education that focuses on multiple performances. Therefore, this study was designed to explore relationship between leisure involvement, time management and academic achievement of junior high school students. It adopted survey techniques at the same time and used students from Chung Der Junior High School in Yunlin County as main objects. It also used census method to conduct data collection and total distributed 468 questionnaires with 461 valid questionnaires. Research tool was questionnaires arranged by the researcher herself. The questionnaire contained three parts while first part was “basic information”, second part was “scale of leisure involvement” and third part was “scale of time management”. It also examined academic achievement from comprehensive assessment program of that student. It used SPSS 21.0 software to conducted statistical analysis of the obtained quantitative data with descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, project analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis. The main findings of this study include: 1.The leisure participation of junior high school students are mainly on physical type, followed by entertainment activities and they less engage in leisure activities of social type and art and knowledge type. 2.For the overall performance of leisure involvement from junior high school students, there is a significant difference in gender, occupation of major disciplinarian, education of major disciplinarian, type of leisure activity, frequency of leisure activity, average time of leisure activity and daily reading time. 3.For the overall time management from junior high school students, there is a significant difference in gender, occupation of major disciplinarian, average monthly allowance, average time of leisure activity and daily reading time. 4.For the overall time management from junior high school students, there is a significant difference in occupation of major disciplinarian. 5.There is a positive relationship between variables of leisure involvement, time management and academic achievement. At last, it respectively provided suggestions to schools, teachers, parents and future researches according to findings and conclusion of the study to enhance explicit performance of leisure involvement, time management and academic achievement for the students and as a reference for the following researches.


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郭進財、高俊雄(2008)。大專校院優秀運動員休閒參與、自由時間管理、休閒效益與訓練效果之研究。國立臺灣體育大學論叢,19 卷 2 期,51-72 頁。
