  • 學位論文


On the Rising of Mobile Business: Perceived Values, Moderating Effects, and Employee Engagement

指導教授 : 管郁君 林勝為


有鑑於人的行為受價值與信念趨動,而員工共同行為又造就了企業經營績效,本研究以行動化企業的使用者行為做為因果關係的核心,分別探討其對知識工作者而言的前因,並實證其對員工工作投入度的影響。在行動化企業的個人價值主張上,過去的研究多是以產品特性為出發點或年代較久遠,與現今智慧型手機的使用習慣有差異,故有必要重新做探討。 本研究分兩個階段研究完成,首先在行動化企業的個人價值探索上,採用德爾菲法對12名產業專家進行訪談,並以攀梯法做資料分析,結果發現了六種行動化企業能為員工帶來的個人價值,包括:方便性、彈性、效率、流暢度、利他性、社交。 在行動化企業如何影響員工工作投入度的實證,採用結構方程式分析驗證。本研究模型中假設工作投入度有五項成因,並假設員工的行動化企業活動可調節此五項成因對工作投入度的影響。本研究以線上問卷取得的408份有效樣本,分析結果顯示個人與組織價值觀配適度、變革型領導、工作自主性是對工作投入度有直接影響的前因,但不支持同儕支持、工作與家庭衝突會直接影響工作投入度的假設。對行動化企業活動的調節效果實證結果,則顯示其對個人與組織價值觀配適度、變革型領導、工作自主性、同儕支持與工作投入度的關係具有正向的調節效果,而不支持對工作與家庭衝突與工作投入度之間的調節效果。 本研究結果有三大貢獻:第一,實證行動化企業對員工而言的個人價值,並提出利他性是一項值得關切且文獻中尚未被強調的價值。第二,本研究是首篇對Bedarkar & Pandita (2014) 的「工作投入度是企業與員工雙向溝通之產物」理論架構做實證的研究,結果證實工作投入度的確是企業與員工溝通之產物,但該理論中工作與家庭衝突能影響工作投入度的論述並未獲得本研究分析結果支持。第三,實證了行動化企業活動可調節五項工作投入度成因中的四項與工作投入度之間的關係。


Given that beliefs and values drive human behavior and that employees’ behavior affects organizations’ performance, we investigate the values driving mobile business and the influence of employees’ behavior on mobile business. As studies on the values of mobile business have been relatively product oriented, these values must be re-examined from the employee perspective. We conducted this study in two phases. In the first phase, we explored the values of mobile business via a qualitative approach. We interviewed 12 industrial professionals using the Delphi method. The results revealed six values: convenience, flexibility, efficiency, fluency, socialization, and altruism. In the second phase, we used a quantitative approach involving structural equation modeling techniques to test the direct effects of five antecedents (i.e., person–organization value fit, transformational leadership, job autonomy, social support, and work–family conflict) on employee engagement. The moderating effects of mobile business activity on the relationships among these five antecedents and employee engagement were also tested. We collected 408 valid samples via an online survey. The results supported the direct effects of person–organization value fit, transformational leadership, and job autonomy on employee engagement. However, the direct effects of social support and work–family conflict were not supported. Furthermore, four of the five hypotheses on the moderating effects of mobile business activity on the relationships between the antecedents and employee engagement were supported, with the exception being the hypothesis regarding work–family conflict. We make three contributions to the literature. First, we identify six values of mobile business from a user-oriented perspective, including the novel value of altruism. Second, we empirically verify the theoretical model proposed by Bedarkar & Pandita (2014), which considers employee engagement as a consequence of organizational communication. Finally, we also empirically verify the moderating effects of mobile business activity on the relationships between employee engagement and its five antecedents, and specifically confirm the moderating effects on person–organization value fit, transformational leadership, social support, and job autonomy.


