  • 學位論文


A study on the Declaration Statements in applying Home Mortgage Loans at Commercial Banks

指導教授 : 顏玉明


銀行辦理授信業務,須就其所負擔之風險與所能得到之報酬加以衡量其授信評估原則,隨時代演進,銀行歸納出各種評估借款人信用風險的標準,以作詳盡之事前預測及評估,咸認債權確保無虞,始同意給予核准貸放,惟信用風險之評估係屬事前之預測,因此,在眾多的借戶中,難免會有到期未能依約償還之情事,即一般銀行所謂之逾期放款、催收款之清理及呆帳轉銷等於焉產生。倘若盡可能降低放款給違約率高的借款戶,將有助於銀行確保其債權回收及控制風險,因此銀行事前須做好詳盡之評估,並請借款戶簽具或出示相關資訊,俾利評估。 本文主軸為一般商業銀行之購屋放款,消費者向銀行申辦貸款時,商業銀行會要求消費者簽訂之購屋放款申請文件和案件核准申請及對保時,銀行會要求徵提之徵授信相關之切結書,其中所衍生購屋放款法律問題,本文將針對切結書之必要、效力、合理性,為一客觀公正檢討和分析。 綜上分析,希冀對業界多年棘手的購屋放款法律相關問題提出想法與建議,為國家與社會之安定盡一己之力,進而達成使我國購屋放款領域得更臻完善與健全。


Banks handle credit business. Before a bank grants a loan, it must evaluate a variety of aspects regarding the case thereby distinguish the risk. As time goes on, banks have developed kinds of risk management strategies to evaluate borrowers’ credit risk. By carefully evaluating and forecasting, bank will not issue loans until bank ensures its creditor rights are protected. However, the assessment of credit risk is, after all, an ex-ante prediction, which is difficult to achieve 100% reliability. Therefore, among the many borrowers, it is inevitable that there will be delays or collections due to failure to pay dues, that is, the so-called overdue loans of the commercial banks are generated. This research focuses on the home mortgage loans at commercial banks, especially on documents, statements and clauses which consumers’ are asked to agree and sign on. Legal issues related to mortgage loan thus derived. This research aims to discuss the appropriateness of the measures taken by commercial banks, and to give objective review and analysis. May the suggestions of the research not only have positive impact on the financial industry's, but also do their part for the stability of the country and society.


一、 專書
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3. 朱磊,台灣產業與金融研究,2019年4月。
4. 周伯翰,銀行法與金控控股公司法,2011年3月。
