  • 學位論文

生技產業中營養保健食品公司經營策略之研究 以T公司為例


指導教授 : 樓永堅


近年來政府長期積極推廣生技產業,不斷有廠商加入研發,且依人口結構不斷改變下,市場仍有非常高的發展潛力,使得生技產業內各個領域都蓬勃發展,希望藉著生物技術加入並改善消費者生活。 2019與2020年在中美貿易大戰與COVID-19的影響下,全球經濟及受影響,但生物技術產業卻不受景氣影響,於2009年金融海嘯時也同樣發生類似的狀況,整體景氣不佳但生技產業依舊不受影響。本研究藉由文獻探討針對生物產業進行介紹與了解產業特性。藉由資料蒐集整理與理解產業未來趨勢,並在當中利用經營策略分析、競爭力分析、SWOT分析與關鍵成功因素分析試圖分析個案公司在營養保健食品產業中不斷進步的原因。 結論大致如下: 1. 個案公司擁有強大的研究資源與團隊,使產品創新與原物料的加值有著巨大的優勢,並願意投入資源至研究經費,使產品不斷多樣化、客製化、差異化。 2. 個案公司擁有多樣化的產品,依照不同地區、國家與客群需求進行產品的差異化本土化使個案公司在發展跨國市場時,不斷擴展公司版圖。 3. 個案公司在產業中有先進領先的研發及製程,進而垂直與水平整合產業服務,因此個案公司可以藉著規模經濟的優勢,持續發展。


In recent years, government policies have promoted the biotechnology industry. Manufacturers have continued to join the industry, and the demographic structure has continued to change. So, the market has a lot of potential. Under the influence of the U.S.-China trade war and COVID-19 in 2019 and 2020, the global economy will be affected, but the biotechnology industry has not been affected by the economy. This research uses literature to introduce and understand the characteristics of the biological industry. By collecting data and understanding the future trends of the industry, and using business strategy analysis, competitiveness analysis, SWOT analysis and key success factor analysis to try to analyze the reasons for the company's continuous progress in the industry. The conclusion is roughly as follows: 1. The case company has a strong research resource and teams, which makes product innovation and the added value of raw materials have huge advantages, and is willing to invest resources in research fees to continuously diversify, customize and differentiate products. 2. The case company has diversified products, and differentiates and localizes the products according to the needs of different regions and customer segments, so that the case company continues to expand the company's territory when developing multinational markets.


1. 丁錫鏞,1992,「現代科技管理學」,嵐德出版社
2. 蘇遠志,2000,「生物技術產業國內外市場之發展趨勢」,生物醫學報導第一卷。
3. 行政院第22次科技顧問會議,2001,會議記錄。
4. 劉常勇,2002,「生技研發公司的價值幾何?」,能力雜誌,第559期,p114-118
