  • 學位論文


The Study on Farmers' Knowledge and Sustainable Agriculture Development-A Case of the Farmers’ Organization in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County

指導教授 : 顏愛靜


早期新竹縣尖石鄉泰雅族部落農民以慣行農業為主,為獲得較高的農業生產效率,必須大量使用農藥及化學肥料,影響部落農民健康、破壞生態地景環境、農作物多樣性減少以及傳統生態知識喪失。 本研究以新竹縣尖石鄉一個農民組織為例,反思「健康」且「永續」的農業經營,除號召部落農民轉型自然農業之外,尚期許藉此復舊原住民傳統生態知識,並且打造「小米方舟」銷售平台協助部落農民生計問題。 以Šūmane(2018)等人依據RETHINK大型研究計劃歸納的農民非正式知識類型和學習模式的框架下分析尖石鄉泰雅族部落農民的知識內涵。發現農業知識來源和學習方式具有多樣性,非正式知識與正式知識體系之間具有互補性。若能將其結合起來,可達到最佳效果並實現農業永續發展目標。 惟在推展自然農業的具體做法上:1.需提昇跨落間社會網絡的凝聚力以增強知識網絡關係;2.輔以加強消費者食農教育,力促有機農業促進法的修法,將自然農業納為友善農耕之規範;3.發展產業多元化嫁接政府長照計畫,並合理修正土地使用管制法規範。如此,可促使自然農業的消費市場擴大並產生互利的良性循環,方能讓更多農民願意加入,以達「健康」且「永續」的農業經營。


In the early days, farmers of the Atayal community in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County mainly used conventional agriculture. In order to obtain higher agricultural production efficiency, they had to use a lot of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which affected the health of the tribe farmers, destroyed the ecological landscape, and reduced the diversity of crops. And the loss of traditional ecological knowledge. The Case of the Farmers’ Organization in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County to reflect on “healthy” and “sustainable” agricultural operations. In addition to calling on community farmers to transform into natural agriculture, it is hoped that this will restore the indigenous traditional ecological knowledge and build The “Millet Ark” sales platform to assists community farmers with livelihood issues. Based on the framework of farmers’ informal knowledge types and learning models summarized according to the RETHINK large-scale research project by Šūmane et al.(2018), and analyze the knowledge connotation of Atayal community farmers in Jianshi Township. And to find the diversity of agricultural knowledge sources and learning methods, as well as the complementarity between informal knowledge and formal knowledge systems. If they can be combined, the best results can be achieved and the goal of agricultural sustainable development can be achieved. However, in terms of the specific methods of promoting natural agriculture: 1.It is necessary to enhance the cohesion of social networks across different communities to enhance the knowledge network relationship; 2.Supplemented by strengthening consumer food and agricultural education, and promoting the amendment of the Organic Agriculture Promotion Law, and natural agriculture should be included; 3.The development of industry diversification grafts the government's long-term care plan, and reasonable amendments to the land’s laws and regulations. In this way, the natural agricultural consumer market can be expanded and a virtuous circle of mutual benefit can be generated, so that more farmers are willing to join, so as to achieve a "healthy" and "sustainable" agricultural operation.


