  • 學位論文


The Study of Light and Shadow in the Poems of the Six Dynasties

指導教授 : 廖棟樑


摘 要 本文旨在透過六朝詩歌光影之情感與筆墨特色,梳理體物書寫之開展進程。先秦思想與文學中之光影意涵,乃大別為抽繹概念之理性眼光,與觸景興懷之感性眼光;而六朝詩歌中之光影特色,大抵便於此二者之間擺盪挪移,形塑面貌。其後光影漸次成為六朝詩歌重要意象,這與六朝時期人物品鑑與山水畫記之形神觀念相關;至若光影進入細膩描摹之階段,則與文學集團之群性互動,與玄佛思想之智性介入相關。而在上述源流及背景之奠基下,乃進一步具體分析六朝詩歌光影所盛載之情感內涵,以及所形塑之光影特色;並且掌握光影情感與筆墨特色之間,可能存在之聯繫與影響,歸納出體物書寫相應之創作狀態。最後,則聚焦於光源與光態、光物互動與物光、陰影等三類書寫視角,企望描摹出創作者觀物視角之挪移脈絡;以期進一步探討詩歌發展,乃透過何許智性介入,而漸次擺落感傷情懷,開啟體物書寫各發展階段。而六朝詩歌光影就在齊梁完成體物書寫的基礎上,於陳代再次復歸抒情,且融合齊梁體物筆墨,開創唐詩情景交融新境。就筆者透過六朝詩歌光影觀察所得,以感物抒懷為主之光影筆墨,多以寫意為主,作用在觸引情感,渲染氛圍,光影乃點到為止;至於以體物形似為主之光影筆墨,則多在強調光照動線與光影輪廓,視角甚且由光入影,個己情感則淡然、闕如。此二種光影書寫特色於六朝詩歌之表現與挪移,乃介乎感性與理性創作視角之間;至於影響視角挪移之變因,主要在智性介入與群性互動。簡言之,透過光影研究,可知詩歌創作由感物抒懷,至完成體物形似,正在於智性與群性促使個己情思旁置,以期全然貼近物態。此乃體物異於緣情之詩歌創作狀態,是故宜區辨二者特色,給予合宜之評價與定位。


六朝詩歌 南朝 光影 體物 文學集團


Abstract This article intends to analyze the emotional and descriptive characteristics of the light and shadow of the poetry of the Six Dynasties, and use it to determine how the writing skills that focus on things develop. The light and shadow meaning of pre-Qin thought and literature can be roughly divided into the rational vision of expressing concepts, and the perceptual vision of emotions arising from touching the scene. The light and shadow characteristics of poetry in the Six Dynasties changed between the above two types. Later, light and shadow became an important image in the poetry of the Six Dynasties, which was related to the theory of figures and landscape theory during the Six Dynasties. As for the delicate depiction of light and shadow, it is influenced by the group interaction of literary groups and the wisdom of contemporary thought. The lyrical light and shadow descriptions mostly don't emphasize details, but are used to trigger emotions and strengthen the atmosphere. As for the description of light and shadow that emphasizes details, the outline of light and shadow is emphasized, and the emotion is weakened or even lacks emotion. It can be seen from the research that the state of poetry creation based on lyricism and details are different. Therefore, the characteristics of the two must be distinguished, and appropriate evaluation and positioning of the two must be given.



