  • 學位論文

台灣國小英語教師對於選擇繪本作為教材之實務及觀點: 一個質性個案研究

Taiwanese Elementary School English Teachers’ Practices and Views of Selecting Picture Books as Teaching Materials: A Qualitative Case Study

指導教授 : 招靜琪


隨著英語繪本及分級閱讀在語言教育中越來越受重視,教師們亦努力尋找各種善盡學校圖書資源的可能性,以努力提升學生整體英語閱讀的能力。本研究目的主要在於探討三位經驗豐富之小學英語教師對於進行圖書館英語圖書分級,以及使用繪本在課室當中作為額外閱讀教材的實務及觀點。本研究中採用兩種訪談模式:團體焦點訪談及個別訪談,以蒐集教師們的口述資料。 研究顯示出: (1)三位教師對於圖書館的英文圖書分級,多以「文字難度」作為分類基準,並適時輔以「學生適讀年齡」及「文化」作為考量,此外教師們也指出,若以書本「主題」做分類,則有助於教師找尋適合的課程輔助教材。 (2)三位教師們選擇繪本作為上課教材的標準與過去文獻所指的項目符合,選書標準重於「文字寫作豐富性」、「文化元素」、「學生語言程度」及「主題」等。 (3)基於各種因素,三位教師們認為採用Lexile 圖書分級架構雖有其益處,但於EFL環境使用之前仍須通盤考量。 最後,三位教師在訪談中皆表示,曾在學校進行繪本教學的過程中受到了些困難及限制,有鑑於此,本研究試以「教師專業自主」的概念作為此議題的開端,期盼日後研究能結合課室觀察,深入探討本議題。


As more and more attention is paid to the use of English picture books and graded reading instruction in language education, teachers are now seeking possibilities of making the best use of books resources in the school library in order to improve students’ English reading ability as a whole. The main purpose of this study is to investigate three experienced EFL elementary school teachers’ practices and views of grading English books for the school library and adopting picture books as additional teaching materials in their classroom. In this study, two forms of interview, including focus-group interview and individual interview were conducted to collect their narrative data. The study indicated that: (1) The three teachers graded the English books in the library based mainly on “text difficulty”, taking “age-appropriateness” and “culture” into consideration for some situations. Besides, they indicated that categorizing books by “themes” is going to greatly help teachers find suitable books as supplementary teaching materials. (2) The three teachers’ criteria on selecting books as teaching materials are consistent with previous studies, focusing on the “richness and variation in writing styles”, “cultural elements”, “students’ language ability” and “themes”. (3) Based on various reasons, the three teachers considered that although Lexile Framework for Reading has it benefits, a thorough examination is necessary before adopting the framework in the EFL context. Last but not least, it is indicated by the three teachers that they all encountered difficulties and limitations during the process of using picture books. In light of this, the present study attempts to deal with the issue with the concept of “Teacher Autonomy”. It is hoped that classroom observations can be included into future studies to explore the issue further.


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