  • 學位論文


The Study of Japanese National Innovation System to Impact the Technology Development of Domestic Robotic Industry

指導教授 : 李世暉


1980年代,日本經濟由政府扮演主導角色,制定相關之創新政策,將產官學研各單位連結共同發展創新活動,以令人驚豔的成長促使世界經濟鐘擺於二十世紀下半葉開始偏向東方,衍生成為趨動亞洲國家崛起之要角。然而,當亞洲持續被聚焦為世界經濟成長的主要引擎之際,日本卻於1990年面臨泡沫經濟之衝擊,經濟發展深陷停滯長期低迷之不景氣中。近年來,更因人口減少及高齡化問題,面臨國內勞動力不足及高齡者介護人員短缺等嚴峻課題。   日本政府為謀求勞動力替代及老人介護需求因應之道,提出諸多機器人產業相關政策,期許機器人產業之發展能帶動日本經濟支柱之製造業產能,以激發總體經濟成長。同時,冀求機器人產業發展精實國家技術能量之外,更能提昇產業技術之活化應用,以俾解決全國低產能的問題。故本研究首先根據Freeman、 Lundvall 、Nelson提出之國家創新體系為理論依據,進而探討日本國家創新體系之組成,並剖析日本國家創新體系內各組織之存在與交互作用,期許探究日本國家創新體系對於達成產業創新目標與技術發展之相關效果。   本研究首先採取相關分析作為分析工具,觀察變數之間的相關性。再進一步以複迴歸分析來衡量日本國家創系對機器人產業發展之創新績效。同時,針對機器人產業之次級資料進行分析。藉以瞭解國家創新體系對機器人產業發展成果之貢獻,研究結果顯示,在影響創新成果的相關因素中,政府政策及研發經費的投入對機器人產業發展成果有明顯的正相關,其餘的因素則與創新成果之相關性較不明顯。而國家創新體系之各組織交互作用當中,以政府的投入對於日本機器人產業之影響為最顯著,且與產業發展成果普遍具有高度相關性。   本論文經由文獻蒐集、統計分析之實證後,驗證出日本國家創新體系確實可達成產業創新發展之成果。同時日本的「中央主導型」模式再度創造日本機器人產業國際競爭新優勢之實亦得到驗證。


The economic growth was led by Japanese government in the 1980s, the government formed the relative innovation policies, The enterprises, government and universities have united to develop innovative activities. With amazing growth rate in Japan, the world's economic pendulum began to lean toward the East in the second half of the 20th century, and it became a cornerstone of the rise of Asian countries. However, as Asia continued to be focused on as the main engine of world economic growth, Japan faced the impact of a bubble economy in 1990 and its economic development was in a state of stagnation for a long time. Given the problem of population decline and aging in recent years, it has faced serious issues such as insufficient domestic labor force and shortage of caregivers for the elderly. The Japanese government has developed a number of policies related to the robot industry in order to respond to labor substitution and elderly care needs. The intention of development of the robotics industry is to drive the manufacturing capacity, the one of the major pillar of the Japanese economy growth, to stimulate overall economy. Meanwhile, it is hoped that the development of the robotic industry will not only improve the capability of the Japanese technology sector, but also enhance the activation of industrial technology to solve the problem of low production capacity in Japan, thereby realizing a people-oriented ultra-intelligent society. This study is based on the National Innovation System (“NIS”) theory proposed by Freeman, Lundvall, and Nelson, try to explore the composition of the Japanese national innovation system, and analyzes the existence and interaction of various organizations in the Japanese national innovation system. To figure out the effects of Japan's national innovation system on achieving industrial innovation goals and technological development. This study uses correlation analysis in the first place as an analysis tool to observe the correlation among variables. Furthermore, to adopts multiple regression analysis to measure the performance of Japanese national innovation system for the development of the robotics industry.In addition, we try to understand the contribution of the national innovation system to the development results of robotics industry by analyzing the secondary data of robotics industry.The research results show that among the relevant factors affecting innovation results, government policy and investment in R&D funding have a significant positive correlation with the development results of the robotics industry, while the remaining factors have less obvious correlation with innovation results. In addition, among the interactions among the organizations of the national innovation system, the impact of government investment on the Japanese robotics industry is the most significant, and it is generally highly correlated with the results of industrial development. After collecting empirical evidences and statistical analysis in this study, it is verified that the Japanese national innovation system can indeed achieve the results of industrial innovation and development. Meanwhile, the "government-led economy " model in Japan has once again created new competitive advantages in the international competition of the Japanese robotics industry.


王文娟,民 90 年,「美日獎勵創新研發措施之分析」,國際經濟情勢週報, 第 1372 期,頁 6-14。
行政院國家科學委員會技術資料中心,民 90 年,國家創新體系:向知識經
