  • 學位論文


The Effects of Reading Instructions on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension, Motivation and Learning Attitudes: A Meta-Analysis

指導教授 : 吳政達 郭昭佑


本研究旨在探究國內外歷年文獻中,英語閱讀教學對閱讀理解成效與情意表現之現況。本研究採用後設分析自2000年至2020年間搜集的42篇文獻,並參考美國國家閱讀審議委員會(NRP)與國外相關後設分析文獻,將英語閱讀教學分為鷹架理論、圖表、提問、互動朗讀、後設認知、交互教學、合作教學及摘要策略等八種教學方法。藉由文獻探討、分析變項,以釐清各個變項之間的關係。 研究結果發現,英語閱讀教學對閱讀理解成效有顯著影響,總效果量為 0.9886,屬於高度效果;英語閱讀教學對閱讀的情意表現也有顯著影響,總效果量為1.1371,屬於高度效果。經同質性考驗後發現,效果量之間的變異受到教學方式、介入時間與學習階段等變項的調節作用。教學方式可以調節閱讀理解成效與情意表現,其中以後設認知、提問、交互教和合作教學表現最好;介入時間效果量以中期6-10週調節的效果最好,學習階段則以高中、大學的表現較佳。 此後設分析研究證實了,英語閱讀策略教學在提升EFL學習者的閱讀理解成效,相當具有影響力,並進一步建議學校應積極採取英語閱讀策略教學,特別建議後設認知策略教學的使用,並建立英語閱讀教學專業社群,推動英語閱讀教學增能;最後並呼籲研究者在未來的研究中,也應執行延遲後測,以證實英語閱讀教學法是具有持續性效果。


The purpose of this research was to explore the effects of reading instructions on EFL learners’ reading comprehension, motivation and learning attitudes. This study meta-analyzed 43 primary studies from 2000 to 2020, inferring to the report of the National Reading Panel (NRP), and divided the reading instructions into eight major categories, including scaffolding, graphic organizers, interactive read-aloud, leveled questions, metacognitive reading strategies, collaborative learning, reciprocal teaching and summarization. The major findings were summarized below. First, the reading instructions contributed to a high overall effect (d=0.84) on EFL learners' reading comprehension. Second, overall effects on learners’ motivation and attitudes showed a strong effect (d=1.17). Furthermore, test of homogeneity indicated that significant variations in effect size were the reading strategy instructions, the treatment duration and learners’ educational level. In the reading strategy instructions, metacognitive reading strategies, scaffolding, leveled questions, and collaborative learning showed better effects than others. The findings in the treatment duration, demonstrated that the 6-10-week treatments revealed medium to large effects. In the learners’ educational level, high-school learners benefited the most. This meta-analysis confirmed the power of reading strategy instructions in improving EFL learners' reading comprehension and attitudes, and further suggested that reading strategy instructions, especially metacognitive reading strategies, should be integrated into school curricula. Finally, administering delayed post-tests in future studies should be urgently called for and prove the reading strategy instructions retaining the learning effects well.


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