  • 學位論文

蘇州振興電燈公司的改組與讓渡風波 (1918-1924)

The disturbance of corporate reorganization and transfer in Soochow Tsun Hsing electric light company (1918-1924)

指導教授 : 林美莉


蘇州振興電燈公司成立於1908年,1911年正式送電,1918年振興電燈公司經營者祝大椿與日本東亞興業會社改組,為規避中國限制外資的法律規定,東亞興業會社透過共益公司組合為中介者,以「日支合辦」的名義,實為收購振興電燈公司。改組一事傳入蘇州,引起蘇州市民的猜測與懷疑。1919年1月振興電燈公司告知蘇州總商會與共益公司組合改組,3月振興電燈公司經理蕢敏伯於蘇州總商會報告振興電燈公司「暗售日人」,5月五四運動爆發之後,蘇州市民長期對於振興電燈公司的不滿,因為民族主義情緒激化,以「抵制日貨」的口號抵制振興電燈公司。蘇州市民和商人以「抵制」和「成立蘇州人的蘇州電廠」兩個方式,調查振興電公司改組真相,也募集資金成立新的電燈公司,以取代振興電燈公司。 從1918年的抵制至1924年結束,交通部裁決振興電燈公司讓渡給蘇州電氣公司,結束蘇州電業風波。蘇州用戶抵制過程中,祝大椿利用怡和洋行買辦的優勢,藉由怡和洋行施壓於北洋政府外交部。則日方態度較為樂觀消極,沒有積極介入抵制風波,直到振興電燈公司正式讓渡給蘇州電氣公司,才出面表態。 從振興電燈公司的改組與讓渡,形成以蘇州市民和商人為主體,利用「民族主義」為口號,抵制振興電燈公司的特殊局面。振興電燈公司改組實為商人營業正常策略,因為引入日資,而被扣上「奸商」和「叛國」的標籤。蘇州市民和商人則是以「抵制日貨」合理化抵制的行為,包裝想取得蘇州電業利益的動機,成功打擊振興電燈公司。本文試圖以「蘇州市民」與「振興電燈公司」之間的互相角力,討論企業與在地之關係。


Soochow Tsun Hsing Electric Light Company was established in 1908. To evade China’s policy on restricting foreign investment, Chu Ta-ch'un, the president of Tsun Hsing Electric Light Company is Chu Ta-ch'un. Chu Ta-ch'un, recognized and transferred the ownership of the company firm to Toa Kogyo from Japan privately, stating the deal as a cooperation between Chinese and Japanese investors in 1918. Combined with the elevating nationalism, this trade aroused the people’s suspicions in 1919. Soochow businessmen and Soochow citizens boycotted Tsun Hsing and they wanted, attempting to establish another electric light company to replace Tsun Hsing Electric Light Company. The new Soochow Electric Light company was launched began operations in 1920. Through a series of severe. The competition for between the two Electric light company was cutthroat. Because Soochow people boycotted Tsun Hsing successfully. Tsun Hsing Electric Light Company was finally be transferred to Soochow Electric Light company in 1924. Based on the completion between two main parties, Soochow citizens and the Tsun Hsing Electric Light Company, this research is therefore going to explore the relationship between foreign investors and local people.


1. 《中研院近史所檔案》(台北,中研院近史所檔案藏)
2. 國立公文書館アジア歴史資料センター
