  • 學位論文


Development of the Dongshi Psychological Scale

指導教授 : 李宗芹


研究目的:由於每種社會文化都存在著被該文化族群所共同遵循的身體觀點,舞蹈治療起源於歐美國家,而諸多動作觀察與評量的觀點建立在北美的心理健康概念之下,我國的治療師及心理助人工作者在援引西方的身體診斷系統時,可能由於文化差異的影響而使其無法適切的評估個體的身體表達,評估工具必然是實務工作上之必需工具,故此,本研究旨在編製一份欲以起源自本土文化觀點的「動勢心理理論」(李宗芹,2010)為基礎,探究身體動勢與相關心理構念間的關聯性,發展適合我國之動勢心理量表。 研究方法:在執行焦點團體和個別訪談後,形成動勢心理題庫,初編46道試題形成預試問卷,並以年滿20歲以上的生理女性學生做為研究對象,使用183個有效樣本執行量表預試,預試後,刪除不良題目,使用42道試題執行正式施測,使用 484個有效樣本進行量表信、效度檢驗。信度方面,以Crobach’s alpha值作為內部一致性評估指標;效度方面,以試題與所屬分量表間之相關做為內容效度評估指標,以因素分析探究試題聚斂型態,以驗證性因素分析驗證與理論建構相符程度,並以身體自我描述、自尊、止觀覺察、身體欣賞、身體反應量表間做為效標。 研究結果:本研究應用驗證性因素分析中的結構方程模式方法,根據理論檢定兩種適合之模式,分別二階單一因素模式與單一因素模式,結果顯示單一因素模式通過適配度指標評鑑,各測量變項均具有良好的信度、潛在變項亦具有組合信度與聚合效度,故選取此模式為最佳簡效模式。動勢心理量表試題因素聚斂型態是一個具備七個因素的一階多因子模式,動勢心理量表共可分成七個分量表,分別為力度、姿態、協作、節奏、表達性、身體感覺度、調諧,正式版本試題總題數為35題。 研究結論:本研究經統計分析結果,顯示動勢心理量表具有可接受的信度與效度,本研究依據研究結果與討論,對動勢心理量表在實務上應用與未來的發展,提出具體的建議,供專業工作者及研究者參考,期望後續研究者繼續進行動勢心理構念的探究,以促進動勢心理量表之效化。


動勢 量表 測量工具


Research Purpose: Every social culture has a physical perspective that is commonly followed by that cultural group. Dance therapy originated in European and American countries, many viewpoints of movement assessment and evaluation are based on the concept of mental health in North America. When therapists and helpers in our country use Western physical diagnosis systems, it may be due to cultural differences that it is impossible to properly assess an individual's movement expression. Assessment tools are necessary in practice. Thus, this research aims to develop a scale which is culturally relevant to Taiwanese culture, which is based on Dongshi Theory(Lee, Tsungchin, 2010). The Scalecan be utilized with Taiwanese college students above 20 years of age. This research also explores the relationship between certain psychological constructs and Dongshi. Research Methology: Focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews are conducted to collect descriptive data, forming the Dongshi question bank. Use 46 questions from the bank to do the pretest, which participates were 183 undergraduate students above 20 years of age. After analyzing and editing the pretest, the formal scale was confirmed. The formal participants included 484 female students above 20 year of age. Exploratory factor analysis(EFA) and Cronbach’s Alpha was applied to examine the validity and reliability of the instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the factor structure and reliability and validity of the scale. The research employed Physical Self-Description Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Mindful Awareness Attention Scale, The Body Appreciation Scale-2, and Body Responsiveness Scale, which were criterions. Results: The results showed that the one-factor model fit indexes were within the acceptable levels and had good construct reliability and convergent validity. Dongshi Psychological Scale is a one-stage-multiple-factor model with seven factors: dynamic force, posture and gesture, coordination, rhythm, bodily felt sense, expression, attunement. There are thirty-five items in Dongshi Psychological Scale in total. Conclusion: Dongshi Psychological Scale had an acceptable validity and reliability. The contribution of this study is to help the development of the scale and as reference for professionals and researchers in the future use of the scale.The researcher hopes that there will be more related researchs done on the effectiveness of Dongshi Theory, in order to improve the construct validity of DongshiPsychological Scale.


Dongshi scale assessment tools


余民寧(2006)。潛在變項模式:SIMPLIS 的應用。台北:高等教育。

