  • 學位論文


Political Efficacy of Senior High School Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 俞振華


台灣近幾年的政治事件都有青少年的身影,例如太陽花學運、課綱微調、同性婚姻議題等等,顯見青少年對於國家的未來有一定的想像,並積極表達自己的想法,但此時台灣的整體社會環境並沒有給予青少年足夠的空間與條件,讓青少年能夠完整表達自己的想法。目前台灣在「青少年參政」這件事情上面會遇到幾個問題,一方面是社會上普遍認為青少年不夠成熟,無法做出合理的決定;另一方面是法律的不足,我國投票年齡為20歲,是所有民主國家中限制最高的,某種程度而言造成青少年無法透過投票表達自己的想法。因此,本研究希望了解青少年的政治社會化經驗,了解現階段的高中生對治治議題有什麼想法,以及產生什麼行動。 本研究採取質性研究,透過訪談12位高中生,來了解他們與家庭、學校、同儕之間的政治互動,以及從「18歲公民權」這個議題,來觀察學生對於參與政治的想法,以及自己對於台灣政治的期許。研究結果顯示,青少年期待「理性」的對話,若父母親與自身的政治立場相同,會與父母親進行政治議題的討論,反之,若立場不同,可能會選擇「冷處理」。再來,不同的學校在政治議題上採取不同的立場,導致學生在看待政治事務上會出現落差,立場較積極的學校,學生的態度也較為積極,而立場較為保守的學校,學生也會盡量避免觸碰較為敏感的議題。最後,所有受訪者都展現積極的「內在政治功效意識」,認為投票的確可以改變社會,但受訪者同時也擔心身邊的同學是否足夠成熟,能夠決定公共事務。


Taiwan's political events in recent years have all involved young people, such as the Sunflower Movement, the adjustment of senior high school curriculum, same-sex marriage issues, and so on. Young people have a certain amount of imagination about the future of the country and are actively expressing their own ideas, but the social environment in Taiwan does not give them the opportunity to do so. At present, Taiwan has encountered several problems in the issue of "youth participation in politics". On the one hand, there is a general perception in the community that young people are not mature enough to make reasonable decisions. On the other hand, it is the inadequacy of the law. The voting age in our country is 20 years, which is the highest among all democratic countries. The most restrictive, in a way, prevented the youths from expressing their ideas through voting. Therefore, this study hopes to understand adolescents' experiences of political socialization, what current high school students think about governance issues, and what actions arise. This study adopts a qualitative approach by interviewing 12 high school students to understand their political interactions with their families, schools, and peers. The students' thoughts on political participation, as well as their own views on Taiwan's politics, were observed from the issue of "Voting Age to be Lowered to 18". Research shows that adolescents expect "rational" conversations, so if the parents share the same political stance as themselves, they will discuss political issues with the parents; conversely, if the stance is different, they may choose to "cold deal" with political issues in the home. Furthermore, different schools adopt different stances on political issues, resulting in a gap in students' perception of political issues. Schools with a more positive stance will have more positive attitudes, while schools with a more conservative stance will try to avoid touching the more sensitive issues. Finally, all respondents showed positive internal efficacy of the sense of political efficacy, believing that voting could indeed change society. At the same time, respondents are worried about whether the students around us are mature enough to make decisions on public affairs.


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中央通訊社,2019,〈日本年輕人冷感 2019多項選舉投票率跌破5成〉,https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/201912300160.aspx,查閱時間:2020年3月3日。
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