  • 期刊


Political Analysis of Primary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan


1990 年代台灣的教育改革在「鬆綁」理念的架構下,開展此波以「民主化」、「市場化」為主要特色的教育改革。其具體的政策體現,包括:教師法的公佈實施、國民教育法的修正,教育基本法的訂頒,以及九年一貫課程的施行等,這些教育政策的變遷,撼動了中小學的底層結構,使得傳統以校長為權力核心的結構解體,演變成行政、教師及家長三角鼎力的權力生態。是以,學校的權力結構與文化,面臨前所未有的變革。 本文旨在以「權力」途徑分析在這一波校園民主化的改革浪潮下,中小學校園所呈現的政治現象。而本文結構安排,首先探討為什麼(Why)會產生校園民主化政策,其環境背景為何?次則分析中小學校園的政治現象:有哪些政治行動者(Who)?他們擁有哪些政治資源?第三則分析這些政治行動者,他們在爭奪什麼(What)?以及背後衝突的成因為何?第四則探討這些政治行動者如何(How)運用政治策略以獲致所要爭奪的,最後為省思這些權力運作的過程及目的。


教育政治學 組織政治 權力


In 90s, the idea of lessening restrictions of Taiwan's education was underway. This wave of educational reform has been the development of democraticalization and marketablization. The major policy changes included the announcement and implementation of Teacher's Law, the amendment of Law of Primary and Junior High School education, the issuance of Law of Educational Fundamental, and enforcement of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Policy. Those policy shifts have moved the base structure of all Primary and Junior High schools in Taiwan and dissolved the center power of school principles. The school political power has been spread into three parts, the administrations, teachers, and parents. Therefore, the power structure and culture of the schools are encountering major movements that have never met before. This paper mainly analyzed political phenomenon revealed in the Primary and Junior High schools, which is under the educational reform wave. First of all, it discusses “why”, in what background that the schools developed democratic policies. Second, it analyzes political phenomenon: “who” are those political actors and what political resources do they have? Third, it explores “what” those political actors are fighting for and reasons behind the conflicts? Fourth, it inquires into “how” those political actors apply political strategies to get what they want. In the end, it examines the process and goal of that power exploitation.
