  • 學位論文


An Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Workplace-friendly Practices for Female Employees in Technology Companies

指導教授 : 成之約


隨著全球經濟的變遷、產業結構的轉型、以及時代的快速發展及變化,使得女性勞動參與率逐年提升,而其中相關勞動權益保障、性別平權意識與促進女性就業政策也越來越受重視。對於現代工作者來說,工作與家庭及生活平衡的挑戰與兩難在每天的生活中都會發生,當員工無法兼顧工作、家庭照顧及個人生活時,也將無法全心全意專注於工作崗位上,進而影響到工作表現及生產力,在全球化競爭環境當中,政府和企業如何以最貼近及同理的心態來營造友善並給予支持的職場環境,更是企業留住人才並達到組織活化、效率極大化的關鍵,藉以提升企業競爭力及強化員工之忠誠度,營造勞資雙贏的局面。 據此,本研究藉由相關文獻回顧與整理歸納,以瞭解友善職場的定義及主要目的為何,以及主要國家日本、英國、瑞典以及我國之政府及企業對於友善職場的作為與推動友善職場的相關政策與措施,並透過數據資料瞭解我國科技業女性目前的就業狀況,並探討主要障礙及挑戰以及科技公司執行友善職場措施之概況與成效為何,再透過深度訪談瞭解實務上企業代表人員在執行友善職場措施與內部女性員工所實際感受到的觀感,藉此深入瞭解這樣的友善職場措施是否真能夠達到實際解決女性就業上的問題與障礙。 而透過本研究訪談發現,除了先前資料整理與數據上證明會造成女性就業上的障礙與挑戰,包含婚姻及家庭因素的影響、行業與薪資的性別差異和性別階級造成的現象之外,其實還包含了女性員工生理與心理架構層面的差異,使造成職場上的不平等,相對地也就衍生了很多女性就業的心結與障礙,雖然近年來政府及企業都一直在修訂法令與鼓勵落實友善職場,但相關政策的制定與專案設計上並非一蹴可幾,最主要的還是要深入了解員工的需求,並且從中去協助與支持,才能夠真正的營造出友善的職場環境。


With the changing global economy and the transformation of industrial structure, the labor force participation rate of women keeps increasing, year by year. This phenomenon leads to the trend of paying more attention to the policies of protection of labor rights, the consciousness of gender equality and the promotion of women’s employment. Regarding modern workers, finding ways to balance between work, life and family has become a serious problem. When workers can’t achieve the balance, they can’t focus on their work as well. Furthermore, it will affect their work performance and productivity. So how government and enterprises build a friendly and supportive workplace with sympathy is the key to retain talented employees in this globalized environment. It helps consequently reviving the organization and enhancing the working efficiency so that the competitiveness of enterprises and workers’ loyalty could be stronger and makes the labor relations a Win-Win. For this reason, this study is about to clarify the definition of Family-Friendly Workplaces and its main purpose by reviewing literatures and summing up the policies of some influential countries, such as Japan, United Kingdom and Sweden. Then compares Taiwan’s policies with those countries’. To know the effectiveness of policies of Family-Friendly Workplaces in Taiwan, researcher will find out the women’s employment status and the difficulties in their careers in technology industry in Taiwan by collecting the data and investigating the current actions of Family-Friendly Workplaces in technology companies. Also by interviewing the female workers in companies and the personnel of human resources department to know if the policies can solve the problems and relieve the difficulties of women’s careers or not. According to the results of interviews in this study, the factors that would result in the obstacles and the Workplace inequality to women in their career includes the physical and psychological differences of women workers other than the factors showed by data, such as the marriages and families, the income gap caused by genders and gender stratification. All the factors furthermore make women workers much harder in their careers. Even though the government and the enterprises try to amend the laws and implement the programs of Family-Friendly Workplaces, it takes a lot of effort to succeed. Most important of all, we should know the exact needs of employees and support them. Through the trust in each other and the participation of all the employees in the company, building a Family-Friendly Workplace will be possible.


一、 中文文獻
(一) 中文專書
