  • 學位論文


The Gap between the Formulation and Implementation of “House Leasing and Rental Management Policy” in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡培元


近年來,高房價、高空屋率、高租屋人口等居住議題越來越受重視,為了保障人民居住的權利,政府提出「興辦社會住宅」的計畫,且為解決大量興建社會住宅速度緩不濟急之情況,將包租代管增列為興辦社會住宅的方式之一,以確保弱勢民眾的權益在現階段的空窗期同樣能獲得保障。爰此,「106年度社會住宅包租代管試辦計畫」應運而生。 為使我國日後住宅政策規劃與執行更臻健全,本研究透過深度訪談第一線政策執行者的觀點與看法,以了解實務上主管機關承辦人員及業者在推動計畫時,在相關人員參與意願、租屋歧視及社福措施等議題上的推動方式、可能面臨的困境與限制及未來的建議。 經過分析訪談資料後,本研究的主要研究發現如下: 一、除了稅負優惠以外,租金金額、對弱勢者的刻板印象、對於政府及政策的信任感、計畫的宣傳效果、行政流程效率等因素均可能對於房東的參與意願造成影響。 二、包租代管試辦計畫確實能夠舒緩部分弱勢者在一般租賃市場中難以租屋的困境,但本研究同樣發現,精神障礙者或獨居老人等弱勢族群仍可能被排除在此計畫外,亦即表示包租代管試辦計畫仍無法完全解決我國的租屋歧視狀況。 三、對比國外社會租賃政策的執行經驗,本研究發現業者為房客轉介社會福利資源的頻率不高、業者難以為欠租房客尋求資源,且經常面臨社政單位回應不積極等現象,可見我國的包租代管試辦計畫與社會福利服務有連結度不足的現象。


In recent years, housing issues such as high housing price, high vacancy rate and high number of tenants are getting more and more attention. In order to ensure the right to housing, the Taiwanese government proposed a plan to build up social housing. However, as the speed of building up social housing was not fast enough, “House Leasing and Rental Management” policy was added as one of the ways to build up social housing to ensure that the vulnerable could be protected before the social housing is completed. Therefore, the government began to implement “The Plan of House Leasing and Rental Management in 2017”. In order to make housing policy planning and implementation in Taiwan more sound, this study aims to understand the views and opinions of frontline policy implementers with in-depth interviews. It explores the opinions of staff in government authorities and service providers on ways of implementation, difficulties and limitations and suggestions with regard to the issues on participation incentives, rental discrimination and social welfare measures. After analyzing the interview data, the main findings of this study are as follows: First of all, in addition to tax benefits, amount of rents, stereotypes on the vulnerable, sense of trust in the government and policies, the promotion effects of this plan and efficiency of administrative process might affect landlords’ willingness to participate in this plan. Second, this plan indeed can alleviate the difficulties of some vulnerable people in the general rental market. However, this study also finds some vulnerable groups such as people with mental disabilities and the elderly living alone might still be excluded from this plan. It means this plan cannot completely solve the discrimination problems in rental housing in Taiwan. Third, compared to the implementation experience of other countries, this study finds the connection between this plan and social welfare services is insufficient. First, there is a very low frequency of social welfare service transfer from service providers for tenants. Second, it is difficult for service providers to seek resources for tenants who can not pay the rent, and the responses of social welfare agencies are usually not very positive.


