  • 學位論文


Reconstruction of the Non-Bank Payment Regulation

指導教授 : 王文杰


在後疫情時代的當今,隨著非現金支付工具之使用率日漸提升,我國非銀行支付產業發展確實迎來全新之契機;並隨著2021年7月《電子支付機構管理條例》的修正施行,我國非銀行支付法制的發展,更是迎來全新的篇章。 然而,若詳觀本次《電子支付機構管理條例》之修法內容,或審視我國整體支付法制體系,卻可發現,我國支付法制似乎仍保守在傳統「以銀行為中心」之監理思維與監管架構中,進而造成我國非銀行支付法制在「監理框架」設計上,仍存在著諸多缺陷與困境,亦同時造成非銀行支付業者,仍須面臨諸多不必要的法規或准入障礙。對此,本研究歸咎其原因無非在於,我國立法者或監管者仍無法正確體認到「非銀行支付服務」與「傳統銀行金融業務」(存款與放款業務)之本質與風險差異,從而導致我國在非銀行支付法制之形塑上,往往是根基於顯不相容的「監理本質」或「監理原則」,甚而無法形成一套具有完整性與系統性的「監理框架」。 因此,本研究在支付體系與支付工具的概覽下,先行釐清與劃定「非銀行支付」應有的「本質內涵」與「發展態樣」;進而,透過非銀行支付的各式「金融風險」探討,統整出非銀行支付服務相異於傳統銀行業務的「監理本質」、「監理目標」、「監理原則」,以及具體的「監理面向」;而後,本研究透過歐盟、新家坡、日本非銀行支付法制的剖析與比較,歸納出形塑現代非銀行支付監理法制應有的基本「分析框架」。從而,藉由前述對於非銀行支付「監理本質」與法制「分析框架」的歸納,本研究對於我國現行的非銀行支付法制進行通盤的審視與檢討,並總結出我國法制存在著「監理本質」失調、「監理範圍」破碎化、「監理密度」失衡化、「監理措施」僵化等困境與缺陷。 最後,基於以上法制困境與缺陷,本研究在正確的「監理本質」理解下,借鑒歐盟、新家坡、日本法制,嘗試為我國提出《銀行法》與非銀行支付法制「監理框架」之重塑芻議,希冀藉帶動我國非銀行支付產業的健全與普惠發展。


In the post-epidemic era, there has been a surge in the use of non-cash payment tools along with a great development opportunity for Taiwan's non-bank payment industry. And with the amendment of the "Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions" (Act) in July 2021, Taiwan's non-bank payment regulation has also ushered in a new chapter. In this regard, the importance of establishing a complete and systematic supervision framework cannot be over emphasized. However, Taiwan's regulators still hold a conservative view in the traditional "bank-centered" regulatory thinking, this further causes Taiwan's non-bank payment regulation having defects and difficulties in the design of the regulatory framework. Meanwhile, non-bank payment institutions still have to face unnecessary regulatory obstacles or entry barriers. The study is in the opinion that Taiwan's regulators should have a correctly recognition of the difference in between "non-bank payment services" and "traditional banking financial services" (deposit & loan). First, the study clarifies the "essential connotation" and "developing type" of the non-bank payment. Second, Summarizing the regulatory nature, regulatory principles, and specific regulatory aspects of non-bank payment services through the discussion of various financial risks of non-bank payment. Third, taking a glimpse of the regulation in European Union, Singapore and Japan in order to Summarizing the basic "analytical framework" shaping the modern non-bank payment regulation. Fourth, conducting a comprehensive review of Taiwan's current non-bank payment regulations, and pointing out the defects such as the dissonance of regulatory nature, the fragmentation of regulatory scope, the imbalance of regulatory intensity, and the rigidity of regulatory measures. Last but not least, this study put forward some suggestions for reconstructing Taiwan’s Banking Law and the non-bank payment "regulatory framework".


1.王文宇、林育廷,票據法與支付工具規範,元照出版社,2008 年。
3.李顯儀,數位金融與金融科技,全華圖書, 2018年6月,第二版。
