  • 學位論文


Cross-strait Drug Crime Research on Taiwan National Security

指導教授 : 邱坤玄


兩岸交流隨著1987年我方開放赴大陸探親後,長達38年的兩岸隔絕狀態被打破後,兩岸人員往來和各項交流迅速開展起來,兩岸由過去長期的對峙逐步走向交流、對話與合作。過去三十年,兩岸關係走過了一個高潮跌起的歷程,雖然台海危機及兩岸風險事件不斷,但兩岸人民仍然能夠排除各種障礙,持續向前發展。兩岸交流的過程也使兩岸人民的利益緊密相連,兩岸越來越成為密不可分的利益共同體。由於兩岸地理位置相近、語言相通、文化相承之下,唯獨政治因素,致使犯罪情資交流部份有所芥蒂,使得涉及兩岸之間的犯罪情資無法有效的交換,加上兩岸互不承認的政治主體,致使雙方之間的法律無法一體適用,甚至造成無追查的情形,嚴然已成為跨國或跨區域犯罪組織的天堂。 兩岸於2007年簽署海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議,雖對於兩岸間的犯罪和法律適用上有很大的幫助,但交流上大多受國內政黨輪替的影響,無法深入合作,乃至犯罪情資時有時無,不法分子洞悉此種空隙,遂勾結串聯,進行各類跨國或跨區域的犯罪(如兩岸之間的毒品犯罪),嚴重危害兩岸人民的健康、經濟安全、社會治安以及國家安全。毒品犯罪為世界公罪,兩岸之間的毒品犯罪已走向組織化、集團化、跨區域之趨勢,非單一地區所能因應與面對,唯有加強建立兩岸間情資互換、持續合作機制、偵辦交流,始能有效共同防堵兩岸之間的跨境毒品犯罪,以減少對我國國家安全之威脅隱患。 根據聯合國的「世界毒品問題報告」,臺灣被列為國際毒品走私轉運站,因為相較於從大陸、菲律賓出口貨物會遭遇嚴格檢查,從臺灣出口的貨物在其他國家檢驗相對寬鬆,因此許多跨國走私毒品集團喜歡將毒品透過臺灣轉運,使得臺灣背腹著毒品轉運國的污名。 藥物濫用及毒品的危害,是全世界各國所需面對的共同問題,據「2016年世界毒品問題報告」指出估計,2014年,每20個成年人中就有1個,即15至64歲的人中有2.5億人,使用過至少一種毒品。然而,逾 2,900 萬吸毒者估計患有吸毒疾患,其中1,200萬人是注射吸毒者,這 其中有14.0%感染了愛滋病毒,吸毒的影響及其健康後果仍然是災難性的。使全球吸毒情況更加模糊的是,許多偶爾和經常吸毒者往往是多種毒品使用者,他們同時或先後使用不止一種藥物。例如,非醫療使用處方藥物、合成興奮劑(毒品)和新型精神活性物質以代替或結合更常規藥品模糊了特定毒品使用者之間的區分,顯示近年來吸毒與相關健康後果的相互關聯或週期性氾濫。 筆者從事毒品查緝相關工作,就兩岸毒品犯罪的成因、形式管道、合作歷程與策略成效以及我國的法律制度、反毒組織、架構、策略等方向進行分析,希望能對兩岸毒品犯罪問題作一系統性的瞭解,進一步探討兩岸毒品犯罪對我國國民人體、經濟發展與社會治安等國家安全的因素的影響,更探討毒品加重刑罰與除罪化以及毒品合法買賣的可能性,借由法律層面來說明非傳統性安全的毒品犯罪其背後所隱藏的巨大不法利益與地下經濟版圖,以增進政府對毒品危害與氾濫的重視。


Cross-strait exchanges After the opening of our country to visit relatives in mainland China in 1987, up to 38 years of cross-strait isolation, it was broken. the cross-strait personnel exchanges and various exchanges were carried out quickly. The cross-strait have gradually moved toward exchanges, dialogue and cooperation from long-term confrontation in the past. In the past three decades, cross-strait relations have gone through a climax of decline. Although the Taiwan Strait crisis and cross-strait risk events continue, the people on both sides of the strait can still remove various obstacles and continue to move forward. The process of cross-strait exchanges has also closely linked the interests of the people on both sides of the strait, and the cross-strait become an inseparable community of interests increasingly. Due to the geographically similar, language communication, and the cultural inheritance of the two sides of the strait, just only the political factors have caused the part of exchange of criminal affair to be scruples, which makes it impossible to exchange effectively of criminal imformation between the two sides of the strait. In addition to the political subject that are not recognized by the two sides of the strait, cause the law for each other not to applied in one body, and even caused the situation of no tracing.And it has become a paradise for transnational or cross-regional criminal organizations. The two sides of the strait to signed the cross-strait joint fight crimes together and mutual legal assistance agreement in 2007. Although they have greatly helped the cross-strait crimes and the application of laws, but most of the exchanges are affected by the rotation of domestic political parties, then unable to cooperate in depth and imformation of commit crimes sometimes have or not. The criminals have insight into such gaps, colluding with each other and conducting various types of transnational or cross-regional crimes (such as drug crimes between the cross-strait), seriously jeopardizing the health, economic security, social security of the people on both sides of the strait and the country safety. Drug crimes are a public crime in the world. The drug crimes between the cross-strait have trend to become organized, grouped, and cross-regional. Not single areas can respond to and face it, Only strengthen the establishment of cross-strait exchanges and continuous cooperation mechanisms. Investigating and conducting exchanges can effectively prevent cross-border drug crimes between the two sides of the strait, to reduce the threat and hidden dangers to our national security of country. According to the UNODC(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) "World Drug Report", Taiwan is listed as an international drug smuggling transfer station, because compared with the export of goods from the mainland China and the Philippines, there will be strict inspections. The goods exported from Taiwan are relatively loosely tested in other countries, so many transnationals smuggling drug group likes to transfer drugs through Taiwan, it making a bad reputation of drug transit countries of Taiwan. The harm of drug abuse and drugs is a common problem faced by countries all over the world. According to the "2016 World Drug Report", it is estimated that in 2014, one out of every 20 adults, 15 to 64 years old. There are 250 million people who have used at least one drug. However, more than 29 million drug users are estimated to have disease of drug abuse, of which 12 million are injecting drug users, and 14.0% of whom are infected with HIV, and the effects of drug use and its health still are catastrophic of consequences remain. What makes the global drug abuse even more ambiguous is that many occasional and frequent drug users are often multiple drug users who use more than one drug at the same time or in succession. For example, non-medical use of prescription drugs, synthetic stimulants (drugs) and new psychoactive substances in lieu of or in combination with more conventional drugs blurs the distinction between specific drug users, showing the correlation or cycle of drug use and related health consequences in recent years. The author is engaged in drug investigation and related work, analyzes the causes, forms, cooperation and strategic effects of cross-strait drug crimes, as well as Taiwan legal system, anti-drug organization, structure, strategy, etc., hoping to make a systematic understanding for cross-strait drug crimes problem, further explore the impact of cross-strait drug crimes on national security factors such as national human body, economic development and social security, and it more explore the possibility of exacerbated unishment for drug crime, drug decriminalization and legal drugs trafficking, by legal means Non-traditional safe drug crimes have hidden huge illegal interests and underground economic maps to enhance the government's emphasis on the dangers and proliferation of drugs.


