  • 學位論文

兩岸⾏動⽀付之⽐較—— 以微信⽀付及Line Pay為例

The Comparison of Mobile Payment between China and Taiwan: A Case Analysis of WeChat Pay and Line Pay

指導教授 : 洪叔民 陳立民


中國、台灣皆於1990年代末隨著電子商務的興起,開始發展第三方支付,但之後兩岸在行動支付的發展卻截然不同。支付寶於2011年推出掃碼支付功能,其後微信於2013年推出微信支付,2014年春節期間微信支付推出發紅包活動,在最短的時間內讓大量微信用戶開始使用微信支付。台灣政府於2015年才通過行動支付相關法規,開放業者申請營業執照,截至2018年6月總計六家業者申請營業執照,相較中國行動支付需求的快速成長,台灣行動支付產業才剛始起步。 本研究欲探討兩岸行動支付產業的差異及其形成原因,並期望透過中國行動支付的標竿業者,探討其策略及商業模式,進一步作為台灣行動支付業者的借鏡。因此,本研究分成兩部分,第一部分從政策與法規、技術供應環境、需求端分析、供給端分析來檢視中國、台灣行動支付產業的概況;第二部分探討以即時通訊服務起家,並成功進入行動支付市場的微信支付,把它作為標竿企業,接著分析與微信支付發展路徑相似的Line Pay,期許能為Line Pay提出策略發展及商業模式上的建議。 比較分析後,本研究發現兩岸行動支付產業中的新進者表現相較金融機構與電信商優異,而這些新進者都以QR Code作為技術解決方案。另外,兩岸行動支付產業在競爭結構上有很大的不同,中國由支付寶、微信支付兩大巨頭寡佔,台灣則呈現多元競爭的局面,市場仍未出現主導者。在相異的產業背景下,微信與Line兩家以即時通訊起家的公司,都以成為整合型平台為目標,推出支付服務滿足用戶需求,並藉此提高用戶忠誠度,兩者都利用自身在社群的競爭優勢,成功進入行動支付市場。 本研究對於台灣行動支付產業的發展抱持樂觀態度,以產業生命週期來看,台灣介於胚胎期與成長期之間,預產業需求將隨消費者使用習慣的養成而提升,對於Line Pay來說首要目標是獲得電子支付營業執照,推出儲值、轉帳服務及進一步金融理財服務,並運用Line Pay 1900萬用戶數的優勢,穩定的提升市佔率。


行動支付 微信支付


In the late 1990s, the e-commerce industry was rising in China and Taiwan, and third-party payment service was formed, additionally. The mobile payment industry is different in China and Taiwan, due to the regulators, players, and market size. Alipay provided QR Code for customers to pay in retail stores, in 2011. Customers can use Wechat Pay in 2013, the next year Wechat executed red envelops marketing strategy to attract its customer to Wechat pay during Chinese New Year. In Taiwan, regulator legislated laws about mobile payment in 2015, allowing players to apply licenses of mobile payment. This study intends to compare m-payment industry in China and Taiwan, and will choose a benchmark company and a Taiwanese company to distinguish their strategies, in addition to provide advice to Taiwanese company. This study analyzes two different industries in the perspective of regulators, technology suppliers, network operators, financial institutions, newcomers, merchants, and consumers. At last, the study distinguishes the strategies between Wechat Pay and Line Pay, and expects to provide advice on strategies and business models of Line Pay. This study comes to a conclusion that the performance of newcomers is better than financial institutions and network operators. And newcomers tend to use QR Code as the solution of their m-payment service. Besides, the competitive structures between China and Taiwan are different, China is an oligopoly market, Taiwan is a competitive market with no dominant players. Wechat and Line execute the same integrated platform strategies, they provide m-payment service as an essential part of the platform. The study expects the future of m-payment industry in Taiwan. With the perspective of industry lifecycle, Taiwan is now between introduction stage and growth stage, the demand will increase within the next few years. For Line Pay, the first goal is to provide the m-payment services legally, launch financial service in advance, and to increase market share.


Mobile payment M-Payment Wechat pay Line pay


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