  • 學位論文


The Chinese Communist Party’s Strategies of Converging Publicity and News Media: Based on the Versions of Paper, Mobile APP and Sina Weibo of People’s Daily

指導教授 : 寇健文


宣傳是中共建黨以來即極為重視的功能機制,隨著歷史演進及技術變遷,宣傳的載體也從早期的報紙刊物、廣播電視,至廿一世紀後逐漸將重心轉移至網路新媒體。中共中央在2014年將媒體融合發展正式拉高成為國家戰略高度的重大政策,即意味著對於網路新媒體的監管運用,是實現宣傳思想工作的重要途徑。 本研究意欲探討在媒體融合背景下,中共如何運用從傳統媒體到網路新媒體的多元傳播媒介進行宣傳,其宣傳策略及內容為何,用戶導向及回饋情形如何。研究採量化為主,質化為輔的方法進行,擇取人民日報紙質報紙、手機APP及新浪微博等三種媒介在特定時間區間及範圍的報導樣本,採內容分析法,設定報導主題、報導框架、報導方式及疫情相關報導內容等類目,藉以統計及描述不同傳播媒介有怎樣不同的傳播特點,呈現出怎樣的傳播內容,反映出怎樣的傳播策略。 研究過程發現,紙質報紙在報導取向上以政治性新聞為主,且以傳達官方立場的報導為多,行文方式頗異於西方新聞學語境;手機APP及新浪微博二者取向接近,在報導取向上社會、國際等非政治性新聞較多,且更多運用圖表、視頻、直播等新媒體可視化傳播工具。此傳播特點差異亦反映出各媒介的分眾宣傳,紙質報紙的讀者以黨員幹部或公職人員為多,關注議題有泛社會特徵;網路新聞及社群微博用戶集中於高學歷青少年,關注議題有泛娛樂特徵。 各傳播媒介雖有不同傳播特點,但透過單一重大事件報導的質化分析,發現其具有一貫的意識形態宣傳內容,簡言之即愛國與擁護政府框架。網路新聞用戶確實也對上述價值產生較高偏好,致使在主流媒體網路平台社群裡,呈現官民良好互動,共同追求中國夢的宏大圖景。


Since the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC), publicity has been an important functional mechanism for the party. As technologies evolved over the years, the media through which publicity is conducted have gradually shifted from print publications and broadcasting to a 21st century focus on new media. In 2014, the CPC government officially elevated the development of media convergence into a major policy in its national strategy, indicating that the regulation and use of new media is an important avenue for the CPC in achieving publicity results. This study aims to explore, in the context of media convergence, how the CPC uses both traditional media and new media to spread publicity, as well as the CPC’s publicity strategy and content and implementation of user orientation and feedback. This study adopted a quantitative study approach supplemented by qualitative methods to extract samples of news reports from specific time ranges and areas from the newspaper, mobile application, and Sina Weibo of the People's Daily. Subsequently, content analysis was conducted to establish various categories, such as the topic and framing of news reports, approaches to reporting, and the content of pandemic-related news reports, etc., in order to identify and describe the characteristics of and the corresponding communication strategies used by different media. During the research process, this study found that the newspaper primarily focuses on producing political news that aligns with the government’s position and uses a writing approach that differs greatly from the context of Western news reports. On the other hand, the mobile application and Sina Weibo both produce more non-political international and local news reports and utilize more new media data visualization tools such as charts, videos, live streams. These differences in communications reflect the segmented publicity employed in the different media, where readers of the newspaper are mostly party officials or public servants who are more interested in general social topics, while the online news and Weibo social network are mostly followed by well-educated teenagers who are interested in general entertainment topics. Although communications characteristics differ among the media, a qualitative analysis of the reporting on single major events shows a unified publicity ideology—a framing that focuses on patriotism and support for the government. Readers of online news indeed showed a higher preference for the aforementioned values, resulting in friendly interactions between citizens and the government on the social media platforms of mainstream media and reflecting the common pursuit of the grand vision of the Chinese dream.


