  • 學位論文


A practical discussion on the operation and management of the shipping industry of liquefied bulk cargo

指導教授 : 邱志聖


海運運輸對各國與國、洲與洲間的經濟發展有著非常重要的地位,自15世紀以來,由於航運業(SHIPPING INDUSTRY)的日漸蓬勃發展,使得貨物可以大量流通且貨物的運送也更加快速、安全與便利。 直至今日,全球的國際貿易中仍有將近高達80%以上的商品仰賴海上運輸,海上運輸的運送時間較空運長,但無論在貨物的運載量或是運費的低廉方面都是空運與陸運所無法比擬的! 台灣是一個海島國家,四面環海,不論國防、經濟、國際貿易對海運息息相關更顯依賴。本實務個案將探討「船務代理業(SHIPPING AGENCY)」─ 陞暘船務代理有限公司在海運運送業扮演船務代理之角色與貢獻,與「散裝液化無船承運人」─翊陞國際有限公司如何提供廠商客戶對海運運輸需求之服務。兩者如何相輔相成,如何創利,並指出其如何透過成功經營與企業管理使公司永續發展。 一. 「船」是核心要件 不論是「船務代理業」或是「散裝液化無船承運人」,主要的主角都是「船」,而船的種類因其功能、用途不同而各有不同船種,其各自在營運上的特色也各有差異。 二. 無形的服務業 「船務代理業」者在海運運送的產業鏈中是屬於「服務業」,是特許管理的服務業,受特有法令規範,所提供的「產品」,不像賣電腦、手機一樣具有實體、完整的產品模組可讓使用者客戶實際有觸感。 三. 船與人員專屬資產之結合 「無船承運人」也是一樣,賣的「產品」也是「無形」產品的海運運送服務中之一環,全憑個人、專業知識的服務、公司品牌,在使用者了解「產品」後,試用後才有辦法確認服務的品質是否滿足其真正的需求,而「產品」的要件基本上來自船東提供的適航適載船舶及其相關配合服務,例如其「船務代理業」商,整體的運作下是否能獲得使用者肯定,才有漸漸走向「長期合作」之關係。這也是公司經營是否能「穩定獲利」、「永續經營」的關鍵要素之一。 四. 市場特有性 本文所要探討的即是海運運送產業在業務推廣時面對海運之特有性,船舶之特殊性及客戶託運貨品的特別性,除了基本的行銷觀念外,如何融入行銷管理學領域中更進化的4C策略行銷,使公司的經營管理在激烈競爭的市場中脫穎而出。 茫茫大海不只弱水三千,但也只能取一瓢飲,靠海吃飯要能成就一番事業,除了天時地利人和搭配之外,有很多的產業專業知識卻是靠實務經驗一點一滴累積出來的,三十年磨一劍,但凡希冀此研究及拙見之分享,能對此一領域之學術研究稍有所貢獻也能對海運行業略盡棉薄之力。


For very important position of Economic Development between countries and continents is Sea Transportation, the booming development gradually of Shipping Industry (Shipping) since 15th century has resulted great numbers of goods circulation and has become more efficiency with convenience safely of goods delivery. Even now, more than 80% of the goods in the global international trade remains rely on Sea Transportation. The transport volume and cheap freight both are beyond comparison by Air transportation and Land transportation even though the transit time is longer than Air transportation. No matter of notional defense interests, economy, international trade etc. are to be closely linked by rely on Shipping since Taiwan island is surrounded by the sea. How “THE SHIPPING AGENCY – APEX MARINE SHIPPING AGENCY” to perform best service and contribution in maritime agency and “THE NVOCC OF BULK CHEMICAL LIQUID – WELL ACHIMENT CO., LTD” to provide shipping service of client needs will be probed into this practical example with either these two companies achieve to complement each other, to make profits or how to keep sustainable development through successful operation and corporate management as well. 1. MAJOR ELEMENT OF CORE IS 「VESSEL」 Cargo Ships are major protagonist of either Shipping Agency or The NVOCC of Bulk Chemical Liquid with multiple types of which are sorted by its functionality and purposes as well as different operational characteristics. 2. SERVICE INDUSTRY OF INTANGIBLE GOODS Service Industry in the industry chain of Ocean Transportation is Shipping Agency which is kind of peculiar administration under stipulations of regulations and its “product” is not material article as neither computer nor mobile phone touchable by users. 3. INTERGRATION OF SHIP AND EXCLUSIVE ASSET EMPLOYEE Same as THE NVOCC, its “product” belongs the key link of Ocean Transportation as well as the intangible products which is in accordance with the professional know-how of the employee and the trademark image of the firm that could be able to realize the quality of service be fulfilled all needs completely after use the service by the clients. The essential factors of the Products are derived from the seaworthy vessels and related supporting services by the shipowner basically, for example, to move towards gradually of long- term cooperation between all concerned parties is subject to the affirmation of the users by whole network of its shipping agencies which is one of the key elements for stable profit and sustainable administration of this firm. 4. SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MARKETING The article is probed into the peculiarities of shipping as the peculiarities of vessels and peculiarities of clients during promotion of shipping business, in spites of basic marketing concepts, must be integrated with more evolved 4C strategic marketing in the field of marketing management enable to reveal the firm administration talent in the keen competition market. It is able to drink a scoop only against vast as the ocean, to achieve a career by the shipping is not only to gain geographical and social conditions are favorable but also need to accumulate of practical experience for lots of industrial expertise. Over 30 years accumulation of shipping experience, sincere wish this research and humble opinion sharing could be achieved small contribution for this file of academic research and for the Shipping industry as well.


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