  • 學位論文


Effects of a growth-mindset program and a growth-mindset path model among junior high school students

指導教授 : 葉玉珠


本研究旨在提出成長心向路徑模式,並探討成長心向課程的實施對促進成長心向、自我調整學習、學習適應及降低固定心向之效果,主要分為兩階段研究。研究一的主要目的在發展相關量表並建構路徑模式,以468位國中七、八年級學生為研究對象,發展智能心向量表、學習心向量表、自我調整學習量表、學習適應量表與學習自我效能量表,並建構路徑模式;研究二則以研究一之模型為基礎,設計成長心向課程,研究參與者為97位國中七年級學生,採用準實驗研究法隨機分為控制組及實驗組,所有組別均進行前測和後測,控制組在期間未接受任何實驗處理,實驗組則進行成長心向課程介入,每週20分鐘,持續八週,並探究實施課程前後,智能心向、學習心向、自我調整學習與學習適應之效果。本研究主要發現陳述如下: 一、 本研究發展之國中學生的智能心向量表(IIM)、學習心向量表(ILM)、自我調整學習量表(ISRL)、學習適應量表(ILA)、學習自我效能量表(ILSE)均有良好信度與效度,可做為有效評估國中生的心向及學習情形之參考工具。 二、 路徑模式分析顯示,國中生的學習心向與學習自我效能互動後,透過自我調整學習影響其學習適應。 三、 在實施成長心向課程實施後,實驗組在智能心向、自我調整學習的進步優於控制組,而學習心向和學習適應雖未達顯著差異,但從質性分析結果中可發現課程對於提升學習成長心向和學習適應是有幫助的。


The purpose of this study was to implement a growth-mindset program in a junior high school and to investigate its effects on the enhancement of growth mindset, self-regulation, and learning adaptation. Two studies were conducted. The first study aimed at developing inventories of the concerned variables and analyzing a path model of these variables. Participants were 468 seventh and eighth graders. The developed inventories included Inventory of Intelligence Mindset (IIM), Inventory of Learning Mindset (ILM), Inventory of Self-Regulated Learning (ISRL), Inventory of Learning Adaptation (ILA), and Inventory of Learning Self-Efficiency (ILSE). Study 2 conducted an eight-week growth-mindset experimental instruction with a pretest-posttest control group design. Ninety-seven seventh graders participated in the experimental instruction; they were randomly assigned to the control group or the experimental group. All participants took the pretest and the posttest before and after the experimental instruction. The control group did not receive any intervention during the experimental period, whereas the experimental group received a growth-mindset intervention which included a 20-minute session per week (eight sessions in total). The effects of the growth-mindset intervention on the enhancement of growth mindset, self-regulation, and learning adaptation were examined. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The IIM, ILM, ISRL, ILA, and ILSE have good reliability and validity. 2. The results of path model analysis revealed that junior school students’ growth learning mindset and learning self-efficacy interactively influenced their learning adaptation through self-regulated learning. 3. After the growth-mindset intervention, the experiemtal group had better improvement in intelligence mindset and self-regulated learning than the control group. Although there was no significant group difference on learning mindset and learning adaptation, qualitative analysis results revealed a trend that the experimental group had better improvement than the control group.


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