  • 學位論文


Young adult children’s filial piety and intergenerational support relationships: A comparison of adult only-child and non-only-child

指導教授 : 謝美娥


面對臺灣少子化、高齡化的人口變化,家庭中成年子女孝道信念與代間支持關係深受討論,然而在獨生子女與非獨生子女相關比較上較為欠缺臺灣研究,故本研究旨在探討年輕成年子女孝道信念與代間支持關係,並比較獨生子女與非獨生子女之差異。 本研究為次級分析,使用「華人家庭動態調查資料」(Panel Study of Family Dynamics, PSFD)第十六年計畫,並採「傾向評分匹配(Propensity Score Matching, PSM)」共取得25歲至32歲的年輕成年子女199位,包含獨生子女樣本100位與非獨生子女99位,並以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、積差相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,研究結果摘要如下: 一、年輕成年子女相互性孝道屬於中間偏高,權威性孝道屬於中度重視,相互性孝道認同高於權威性孝道。 二、年輕成年子女孝道信念與代間關係品質具相關性。 三、年輕成年獨生子女與非獨生子女孝道信念與代間支持皆不具差異性,但兩類人口群代間居住型態對勞務支持具差異性。 四、年輕成年子女孝道信念對關係品質具顯著影響且相互性孝道對關係品質之影響力皆高於權威性孝道,另年輕成年獨生與非獨生子女孝道信念對「實質性代間支持」及「情感性關係品質」皆無顯著差異性。 本研究依據上述研究結果提出家庭場域社會工作及政府政策規劃建議供參,以期能對於年輕世代的孝道信念與代間支持及兩類人口群有更明確的圖像。


As a consequence of the demographic changes in Taiwan with low birth rate and aging society, the relationship between filial piety and intergenerational support in families with adult children has been highly discussed. However, there is relatively fewer studies on the comparison between only-child and non-only-child children in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between young adult children's filial piety and intergenerational support, and to compare the differences between only-child and non-only-child children. This study is a secondary analysis conducted by using “Panel Study of Family Dynamics: RI2016/RCI2016” project. Via “Propensity Score Matching”, a total of 199 samples of young adult children aged 25 to 32 were obtained, including 100 only-child children and 99 non-only-child children. Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, chi-squared test, independent sample t-test, Pearson's correlation, and regression analysis were used for the analysis. The results of the study are summarized as follows. 1. Young adult children's reciprocal filial piety shows moderate to high level; authoritative filial piety has moderate importance; reciprocal filial piety has higher recognition than authoritative filial piety. 2. Young adult children's filial piety is correlated to the quality of intergenerational relationships. 3. There is no difference in filial piety and intergenerational support between young adult only-child and non-only-child children. However, the pattern of intergenerational residence of the two populations shows differences in terms of housework support. 4. Young adult children's filial piety has a significant impact on relationship quality, and reciprocal filial piety shows a higher impact on relationship quality than authoritative filial piety. Also, filial piety of young adult only-child and non-only-child children has no significant difference on "substantial intergenerational support (housework support and financial support)" and "emotional relationship quality (relationship quality)". Based on the above findings, this study proposes recommendations for social work and government policy planning in the family context. It is hoped that a clearer picture of the filial piety and intergenerational support of the younger generation and two population groups, only-child and non-only-child children, can be obtained.


