  • 學位論文


Decision Mechanism Associated with Privacy Paradox: A Neuroscience Study

指導教授 : 梁定澎 林怡伶


隨著時間推進,資訊科技是日益成熟與發達,人們生活不得不依賴資訊科技,擁有各種行動裝置,而使用行動裝置時,應用程式與之有緊密關係。大部分的行動應用程式要求使用者提供個人隱私資訊,方能繼續下載並使用該應用程式。過去許多研究中發現,人們總是宣稱對於其隱私資訊有所顧慮、不願輕易公開個人敏感資訊,然而在網路世界卻無法將這般說詞落實為真實行為,該隱私顧慮意圖與行為之間不一致之現象就被稱為隱私悖論(Privacy Paradox)。 人的決策行為須經由大腦神經機制的運作,愈來愈多的行為研究利用神經科學工具來探討大腦在進行特定決策時的運作機制。過去探討隱私悖論之研究大多以問卷為研究方法,僅搜集受測者意圖或態度資料,為了有效提升真實行為之衡量,本研究欲透過過去學者利用功能性磁振造影(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI)研究搜集而來的受測者於App下載情境之意圖與行為實驗腦區資料進行深入分析。探討使用者在發生隱私悖論之下,在問卷調查所表示的隱私保護意圖與下載手機應用程式時的隱私揭露行為間的腦部神經反應機制差異,並且以過去與雙邊系統理論(Dual Process Theory)有關的決策機制實驗結果來解釋這些腦部運作機制。


As information technology matures, people have become dependent upon various mobile devices. Mobile devices are deeply integrated with applications which request users to provide personal, private information before granting access to its services. Past literature has indicated that there is a general concern among users regarding their private information, and they would not easily disclose personal and sensitive information. They nevertheless reveal their personal information on Internet. Users make such reluctance difficult to transform into actual behavior. This discrepancy between user intention and behavior is described as the Privacy Paradox. With the advances of neuroscience tool, a growing amount of research started to investigate how brain makes privacy-sensitive decisions. Literature regarding on the Privacy Paradox tends to use the questionnaire survey as research method while it may barely collect the intention or attitude data of the participants. In order to effectively increase the assessment of real behavior, this research used brain intention and behavior data collected from previous research implementing functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), to highlight differences in the users' decision mechanisms revealed in questionnaire surveys on privacy protection intention on the one hand, and the privacy disclosure behaviors while downloading mobile device applications on the other. In addition, the outcomes of previous decision mechanism experiments using Dual Process Theory were imported to prove the difference between users' privacy protection intention and behavior. The objective of this research is to explore the mechanism of brain in paradoxical dichotomy between intention and behavior based on the Privacy Paradox, and to provide the explanation how such mechanism works using Dual Process Theory.


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