  • 學位論文


A Study on Service Quality and Service Gap of Autonomous Driving Group Rapid Transit System

指導教授 : 洪為璽


隨著物聯網與人工智慧時代來臨,各種新興資訊科技正在逐漸改變我們生活的各個面向,而智慧交通領域正在蓬勃的發展當中,大眾運輸服務是現今大多數人們經常使用的運輸服務之一,因此服務的需求應運而生,而自動駕駛團體捷運系統服務(以下簡稱GRT服務),是近幾年政府大力推行的新興交通服務,有別於目前現行的交通服務模式進行運營,而GRT服務目前屬於試營運階段,軟硬體與服務模式設計尚未普及於大眾,而管理者與使用者想法時常產生不同,因而造成服務上的落差現象。 本研究以SERVQUAL模型作為服務品質探討的基礎,探討管理者與使用者對GRT服務期望的落差程度,本研究分為兩階段,第一階段是利用AHP問卷邀請填答者依據其身分與對GRT服務的認知進行填答,本研究共分析45份的管理者問卷以及90份的使用者問卷,分析出管理者與使用者對服務品質的落差程度,第二部分則是透過深度訪談的方式請管理者與使用者闡述排序之可能想法,本研究蒐集20位管理者與20位使用者之想法,進而歸納出雙方在GRT服務上有期望上的落差因素。 研究結果顯示管理者與使用者在可靠性和反應性構面具有較大的權重落差,管理者對因為職責和專業能力所在極重視設備服務可靠,而使用者對服務了解不全趨向重視服務的關懷和自身的利益保障。因此本研究歸納出除過去研究的七項落差分別為認知、目的、專業技能、責任、自我特性以及習慣之外,將過去研究中所提及的網域差異因應本研究情境改為場域差異,另外新增了資訊涉入差異以及回饋性差異,共九項差異存在於雙方對GRT服務品質的期望,本研究歸納之因素,可供政府單位訂定法規時之參考依據,且供管理者方對使用者想法之重視,對日後服務模式的規劃與設計有所助益。


With the flourishing of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, various emerging information technologies are gradually changing our lives. Smart transportation is currently prosperous all over the world. Group rapid transit (GRT) system, which is a new autonomous transportation service, has been promoted by governments around the world in recent years. Since GRT system is still in its trial stage and has quite different design approaches from other transportation services, the public has little comprehension of it. Therefore, service gap emerges when the managers’ perspectives do not meet the users’ expectations. This study applied the SERVQUAL model to analyze the service gap between managers and users of GRT service. This study was divided into two stages. Firstly, respondents who have basic understanding about GRT were invited to reply an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) questionnaire, and 45 managers and 90 users’ responses were collected and analyzed to acquire their inconsistent thoughts on GRT service. Secondly, in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 managers and 20 users to identify the reasons of the inconsistency between the roles. The results of the study show that there is a large gap in reliability and responsiveness between managers and users of GRT service. Owing to the responsibilities and professions of the managers, they attach great importance to reliability of equipment and services. Nevertheless, users tend to pay attention to customer care and guarantees by reason of inadequate understanding of the services. This study concludes nine factors of expectation of disconfirmation on the quality of GRT service. According to past studies, seven factors were put forward, including objective, cognition, professional skills, domain, responsibility, characteristic and habit. However, domain factor was modified to field factor due to the research situation. In addition, two new factors, information involvement and feedback, were proposed in this study. This study can help governments formulate laws, and managers avoid inconsistency between their perspectives and users’ actual needs by better planning and designing future services.


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