  • 學位論文


Instagram Accounts Matter: Comparing the Motives for Maintaining Rinsta, Finsta, and Targeted Finsta Accounts

指導教授 : 張郁敏


本研究以多重社群帳號為主題,從使用與滿足理論角度深入探討 Instagram 使用者經營多種類帳號之動機。透過網路問卷,本研究共蒐集950組 Instagram 主帳號、副帳號及特殊帳號之使用者調查,並利用探索性因素分析(EFA)、單一樣本t檢定(One sample t-test)與單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)進一步分析出三種帳號之經營動機。本研究發現使用者參與的六個構面(認知性、情感性、社交性、自我認同性、回饋性、賦權性)中,主要帳號的經營動機涵蓋認知(監測)、情感(娛樂)、社交及自我認同(自我延伸及真實我展現); 副帳號經營動機為情感(娛樂及逃避主義)、自我認同(自我延伸及真實我展現);而特殊帳號經營動機則涉及認知(資訊交流)、情感(娛樂及逃避主義)、社交、自我認同(自我延伸及理想我呈現)與賦權(賦權及被賦權)。本研究結果除了驗證單一社群平台上不同帳號之差異性,並提供社群媒體使用動機相關領域重要之實證研究參考資料外,本研究不顯著的結果亦提供了不一樣的探討可能性。


Given the prevalence of multiple account management among social media platforms, the present study unearths the motives for disparate Instagram account maintenance that have been conceptualized as general social media usage motivation. In light of the Uses and Gratifications framework, a sample of 950 registered Instagram users completed online surveys that helped gauge motives for regularly updating Rinsta, Finsta, and Targeted Finsta. The perceived motives were examined and results suggest that the motives for the maintenance of the three accounts are very distinct: Rinsta account involves cognitive (i.e., surveillance), affective (entertainment), social integrative, and personal identity (self-extension, actual self expression); Finsta account involves affective (i.e., entertainment, escapism), and personal identity (self extension, actual self expression) motivations; Targeted Finsta account involves cognitive (i.e., information exchange), affective (entertainment, escapism), social integrative, personal identity (self extension, ideal self presentation), and empowerment (empowered, empowering).


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