  • 學位論文


Examining the Antecedents and Efficacy of Parasocial Relationships with Macro- and Nano-Influencers on Instagram

指導教授 : 林芝璇


有鑑於Instagram網紅在Z世代中廣受歡迎,以及近年來網紅行銷的蓬勃發展,使用者與網紅間的擬社會關係(Parasocial Relationships, PSR)備受關注。本研究首先探討PSR的形成,並分析此關係對於消費者實際購買行為的中介效果,最後將不同種類的網紅可能產生的調節效果納入考量。為此,本研究共收集451份來自臺灣Z世代的有效問卷,邀請參與者提供一名正在追蹤的Instagram網紅並回報對其可信度、專業知識、吸引力、相似性、真實性、贊助透明度和自我揭露等七大面向之衡量,並根據粉絲人數將參與者提及的網紅,由研究者將其歸類為中大型網紅或微網紅。研究結果顯示,PSR會中介前述七大面向和使用者實際購買行為之間的關係。同時,網紅類型對於使用者的感知真實性及感知自我揭露具有調節效果。當兩者較低時,使用者與微網紅的PSR略強於與中大型網紅的關係;當兩者增加時則反之。研究結果亦顯示,無論網紅類別,感知可信度及感知相似性皆是PSR形成的主要因素。總歸而言,本研究除了分析PSR的形成及其與購買行為之間的關係,更進一步分析PSR是否會因網紅類別而有差異,以驗證及延伸現有文獻,並提供與未來研究方向及網紅行銷相關之建議。


Considering the popularity of Instagram influencers among Gen Zs as well as the growth of influencer marketing, the current research examines how the intimate and one-sided friendship—parasocial relationship (PSR)—is formed, how this relationship relates to purchase behavior of the followers, and the moderating role of influencer types. A total of 451 Taiwanese Gen Zs participated in the online survey. They were instructed to report the perceived trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness, similarity, authenticity, sponsorship transparency, self-disclosure, PSR, and purchase behavior with regard to the influencer that they selected. The influencers were then categorized into macro-influencers and nano-influencers based on their number of followers. The findings suggest that PSR mediated the positive relationships between the antecedents and purchase behavior. Influencer types moderated the relationships between two antecedents (i.e., perceived authenticity and self-disclosure) and PSR. When perceived authenticity and self-disclosure were at a low (high) level, participants’ PSRs with nano-influencers were stronger (weaker) than that with macro-influencers. In addition, perceived trustworthiness and perceived similarity were the dominant predictors of PSRs for both macro-influencers and nano-influencers. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.


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