  • 學位論文


Taiwan Civic Crowdfunding 2012-2019: A Textual Analysis of Mobilization Strategy

指導教授 : 馮建三




This study explores the development of "Civic Crowdfunding" from 2012 to 2019 on zaczac and flyingV websites. The citizen behavior of online donation is a way of political participation as well as well-intended political consumption. This study found that the category of "Party-Politics Induced Projects" are the most outstanding in donations of person times and total amount, and such requests are mostly related to cross-strait politics, recall voting, and environmental issues. However, civic crowdfunding practices on behalf of political participation and progress-oriented political consumption, its discourse seems to related with the KMT & DPP party competition, or geopolitics. On the other hand, the call-to-action strategy is straightforward to "Taiwan Recognition". Especially most of the fundraisers deliberately downplay the role of the organization, and set their identity as "Individual Citizens ". Its text aims to use "we, young people, and the grassroots" to distinguish the "Self" for recruiting donors. Meanwhile, the text presents "The Other" position of anti-KMT (59%) and anti-CCP (23%). Civic crowdfunding seems to be a bottom-up reform force; however, research shows that the promotion of fund-raising strategies mainly occurs on issues of self-identity. The donors should not ignore that political ideologies follow by the fundraisers behind the political consumerism.


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