  • 學位論文


Female Entrepreneurs’ Key Factors for Success-A Case Studies on "Very Mulan" and its counseling Cases

指導教授 : 黃新生 關尚仁


各式中型與微型企業是台灣長期發展經濟的主體,進入世界村的經濟競爭 環境,自由、創新、跨界與匯流,讓每種創業變的不無可能,經濟部中小企業處創業諮詢服務中心2013年統計資料顯示:「一般民眾執行創業營運,一年內就結束營業的機率高達90%」,而在五年之內結束營業的的比例高達有99%,只有1%的創業者能撐過五年,為何成功者的比例如此之低?其中值得關注的是女性創業,女性有多重角色,須肩負家庭照顧責任、社會期待與外在環境的快速變化,這是女性面對創業時挑戰更為艱困的成因? 目前台灣女性創業環境友善,政府創辦創業服務資源平台,民間也有各式整合輔導資源,以其中提供女性創業輔導的社會企業-「非常木蘭」為例,看到創業成功的機會人人在追尋,到底成功的關鍵為何?創業輔導如何選擇標的?如何正確給力?勇闖創業路是否有必須知道的「方法」與「心法」。 本研究宗旨探究女性創業成功原因,以「非常木蘭」輔導成功案例,透過深度訪談法,從創業者與輔導者的觀點與經驗回顧,創業歷程的每一階段,從何起心動念、如何分析創業環境、如何評估創業機會、面對各式挑戰與困難時的應對態度與竅門?如何調度資金設備人才等等資源需求等等各項決策與行為之思維辯證與決策的理性與感性,探討創業者所面臨的挑戰以及影響創業成功的要素,進行關鍵成功因素的探討。


Various micro and medium-sized enterprises have primarily contributed to Taiwan’s economic development. Due to a competitive environment in our global village, all kinds of micro-business innovations were therefore possible, startup is one of them. This phenomenon resulted in business independence, innovation, cross-over collaboration and integration. The statistics from the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) indicates that, up to 90% of self-owned startups fail in less than one year. Only 1% can endure for over five years; in other words, 99% of them would fail within five years. What are the stories behind this cruel reality? Women who own some of these startups are expected to cope with familial duty, social expectations and a rapidly changing business environment. Will all this make running their businesses more challenging? At present, female starters enjoy a friendly entrepreneurial context in Taiwan, with support from a platform established by the government, along with a number of similar institutes from private sectors. This research takes “Very Mulan”, a female-oriented social enterprise, as the centerpiece, to see how it facilitates the success of selected startups, as well as how to offer its support both financially and strategically so that the startups will be eligible to explore further profit. The purpose of this research is to delve into the factors of successful female entrepreneurship by examining successful cases supported by Very Mulan. With in-depth interviews from both ends, this research explores their perspective and experience in hope of unfolding how startups, with the Mulans’ support, analyze the entrepreneurial context, evaluate their business opportunities, as well as their needed resources such as capital, equipment and logistics. In addition, by looking into various behavioral decisions in real-world cases from the perspective of dialectical thinking and rational decision-making, this research depicts the challenges faced by startups. The essential elements that impact the final performance of these businesses will also be discussed to shed light on the crucial factors of their success.


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