  • 學位論文


An ethnographic study of middle class parents choosing street dance as children’s talent

指導教授 : 張盈堃


學者Bourdieu指出,中產階級為維護自身利益,會藉由特定文化消費模式,如參觀博物館、到劇院看劇等活動,突顯品味秀異,與其他階級團體產生區隔,同時透過學校教育、額外才藝學習等方式累積文化資本,達到階級再製目的。但近年,強調展現品味秀異的某些中產階級家長,卻不再讓孩子學芭蕾,轉而學習帶有青少年次文化意涵的街舞。為此,本研究旨於探討中產階級家長,如何透過讓孩子跳街舞進行文化再製,以及,中產階級家長文化品味轉變原因為何。 研究分別於台北市及新北市兩間兒童街舞教室,對中產階級家庭進行訪談,並輔以田野觀察,將家長教養理念分為「目標一致型」及「目標游移型」兩類。其中,目標一致型教養理念強調,藉由家長高度主導的教養實作,讓孩子從小參與高壓的舞團訓練,以培養團體競爭意識,並參加許多街舞比賽和表演,透過速成的才藝學習成果累積文化資本,達到文化再製;而目標游移型教養理念的家長,則強調讓孩子快樂成長,卻又擔心於未來失去競爭力,所以採取先妥協、後協商的教養實作方式,先依照孩子意願減少街舞課程數量,再與孩子協調能否增加課程難度、是否願意參加街舞比賽等,漸進地達到文化再製目的。 此外,因網路影音平台與社群媒體的盛行,兒童街舞教室的行銷,以及「不要讓孩子輸在起跑點」等社會論述,中產階級家長開始擁抱較速成且風格多變的街舞,而非進度緩慢且需長期培育的芭蕾,如此一來,不僅減輕家長無法與傳統教養形象斷裂的親職焦慮,亦能在快速更新的網路世代展現多元學習成果。最終,造成某些中產階級家庭不再獨尊芭蕾,轉而跳街舞的結果。


Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu indicates that in order to protect their own interests, middle class differentiate themselves from others by specific cultural consumption patterns, such as visiting museum and watching opera. Also they accumulate cultural capital through school education and extra learning to achieve class reproduction. However, some Taiwanese middle class parents encourage their children to take street dance classes which carried the connotation of subculture, and no longer learn ballet that symbolizes bourgeoisie style in recent years. Therefore, this research aims to explore how middle class parents reproduce class by sending their children to street dance classes, and why their cultural tastes have changed. With observations and interviews in two children’s street dance studios in Taipei City and New Taipei City, researcher divided middle class parents into two categories based on their parenting styles. One is the goal-oriented parenting style, emphasizing a highly dominant parenting strategy. Through asking children to join a highly stressed dance group from early age, parents spark competitive spirit in the children. Children also participate in many street dance competitions and performances to accumulate cultural capital and achieve class reproduction. Hesitant parenting style, on the other hand, entail a dilemma between a happy childhood and a competitive future. Therefore, parents develop a strategy which combines compromise and negotiation with their children. In addition, due to the prevalence of Internet, social media, and the social discourse "Don't make your children lose at the starting point.” Many middle class parents begin to promote street dance because of the varied styles and good learning efficacy. In other words, parents can not only alleviate their parenting anxiety, but also demonstrate abundant learning achievements of children over the Internet world. As a result, some middle class no longer emphasize on taking their children to learn ballet, instead, they advocate learning street dance.


